Your Hands Can Measure How Much You Need To Eat

If we tend to only measure foods like rice with our hands, you should know that we can base all the amounts we eat on depending on their size.

Even though many ignore it, the hands allow us to measure quantities to perfection for preparing meals.

One of the things to consider when choosing a diet is the amount of food you eat throughout the day. While some people have the habit of dividing their portions in a determined manner, others have difficulty feeding themselves with precision.

And even though nutritionists advise eating in small amounts many times a day, many still make poor diet decisions. 

Fortunately, there is no need to invest money in scales or rigorous methods to calculate how much to measure food rations. The only thing you will need to measure quantities are your hands.

How to use the hands to measure the quantities you need?

Maybe you already know of methods that use the hands, for example, the fact that they can reveal aspects of your personality or certain health problems.

But  the fact that they can measure the amounts of each food group is less well known. 

As we know you are interested in how this can be possible, we are going to share all the details with you for you to consider right now.

The “hand diet”

The main diet, the name by which this method of measuring the amount of food to be ingested is known, was published on the US website Guard Your Health.

It has become popular because it respects nutritional balance, while avoiding “miracle” diets.

He claims that being overweight is due to the excess rations needed by each organism, which can be measured by the size of the hand.

For example, the meat portions should not be larger than the palm of the hand and the carbohydrates should not exceed the diameter of the closed fist. 

The method has captured the attention of nutritionists and subject matter experts, who find it an interesting way to help understand that eating is a personal matter. 

The size of the closed fist

The size of a clenched fist should be used when foods are high in carbohydrates.

For example :

  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Bread

The size of a hand

It has thus been shown that the palm of a hand makes it possible to measure  the appropriate quantities of dried fruits that one should consume during the day. Likewise, the space that the palm of the hand occupies from the wrist to the beginning of the fingers, serves as a measure for foods rich in protein, such as lentils.

The size of both hands

The two hands together, in the shape of a bowl, are ideal for measuring vegetable rations.

The size of the index and middle fingers together

If you measure the size of your index and middle fingers together, you will be able to choose the correct portion of cheese.

The size of the first phalanx of the thumb

This amount is the recommended amount for fats as well as sugars.

It is essential to know that this is a food group that should be ingested in moderation throughout the day.

Other tips to avoid overeating

While the measuring tips with the hands are useful for rationing food, we know that other tips are important.

So, in addition to what has been said, it is good to:

  • Avoid consuming crisps, processed and packaged foods.
  • Read the recommended servings on product labels and take them into account when consuming them.
  • Moderate your consumption of sugary foods.
  • Choose small plates to serve the dishes and divide the meals into four or five portions per day.
  • Avoid eating while distracted, such as television, computer, or the telephone, among others.
  • Have at least 20 minutes for each meal, in a quiet and also quiet place.
  • Add more vegetables to each main dish so that they are half of them.
  • Do moderate exercises.
  • Increase your intake of water and low calorie drinks.

As you have just read, there is a lot that you can do to decrease and choose the foods you eat.  While it isn’t easy to put all of this into practice at first, over time your body will get used to it. You are ready ?

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