Wrinkles On The Face? Learn How To Make Homemade Ointments

When treating yourself with natural ingredients, it is better to prepare in small quantities because they do not keep very long.

Wrinkles are small folds that form on our skin, usually due to age.

With the passage of time and the action of certain internal and external factors, the deepest layers of the skin are altered and die, and these furrows appear on our face.

The external factors that deteriorate the skin are diverse and can range from prolonged exposure to the sun or wind, improper use of makeup, UV rays or other radiation, to the consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

On the other hand, the internal factors that affect our skin are poor digestion, poor diet, insomnia and the production of free radicals (cell garbage) which must be neutralized and eliminated.

A massive production of free radicals destroys our cells and promotes the appearance of wrinkles in the same way as in the case of prolonged sun exposure.

Obviously, the best prevention is to avoid all these practices. This is why we must be careful not to expose ourselves too much to the sun, and not to use too much makeup.

4 natural anti-wrinkle ointments

Once wrinkles appear on our face, we can no longer erase them, but it is possible to delay their appearance if we apply remedies and take diligent care of our skin.

To do this, there are many products and natural formulas that can help us keep skin elastic and healthy.

Today we are going to give you 4 recipes for you to make anti-wrinkle ointments yourself at home every week.

The anti-wrinkle cream with mallow and butter


  • 75 grams of fresh mallow leaves chopped into small pieces.
  • 100 grams of butter (even better if it is salted).


Put the chopped mallow leaves in a bowl with a little water. There must be enough water for the leaves to cook. Thanks to them, you will be able to protect and hydrate your skin.

In a separate container, heat the butter in a bain-marie, so that it melts. Once it is liquid, add the cooked mallow leaves and stir well.

Then remove this mixture from the heat and pour it into a fairly large container. Let it cool down and put it in the fridge to cool.


The treatment involves applying this ointment with a gentle massage on the wrinkles of our skin, once or twice a day. Leave it on for 30 minutes and remove the mixture with lukewarm water.

The anti-wrinkle ointment with lemon essence and butter


  • 200 grams of butter
  • 40 drops of lemon essence


To prepare this ointment, you must put the indicated quantity of butter in a container and heat it in a bain-marie so that it does not lose its properties. Once it is well diluted, remove it and wait for it to cool down a bit.

While it is cooling, add the drops of lemon essence and stir well. Seal the container and store it in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it.


The ointment should be applied by gently massaging the affected parts, then rinse with lukewarm water, 20 or 25 minutes after application. Repeat the operation twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

The anti-wrinkle ointment with onion, honey and virgin wax


  • 30 grams of onion juice (three tablespoons)
  • 25 grams of honey (a spoonful)
  • 30 grams of yellow virgin wax (you can use white but yellow is better)


Extract the juice from the onion using your blender or by crushing the vegetable. Then melt the wax in a bain-marie in a container over medium heat.

Once you have the melted wax, add the onion juice and honey. Stir well and let cool before you start using it.


The treatment consists of applying the ointment to our skin, once a day (preferably in the morning).

Pomegranate and butter anti-wrinkle ointment


  • 20 grams of pomegranate juice (two tablespoons)
  • 30 grams of butter


Melt the butter in a bain-marie over very slow heat. Once it is melted, let it cool a bit before adding the pomegranate juice. Then stir well and let cool.

As you stir, you will notice that the ointment will take shape and that the juice and the butter will homogenize. Then close the container and let it cool in the refrigerator.



The treatment consists of applying this ointment to our wrinkles once or twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. If you only make one application, opt for the morning because in the evening, the skin breathes better.

The ointment should not be applied for more than 10 or 15 minutes. Once the time is up, remove it with lukewarm water.

Always be careful not to get any ointment in the eyes. You are ready to use these ointments and enjoy beautiful skin!

Bibliographical source consulted: La belleza entra por la boca (Beauty enters through the mouth), by Txumari Alfaro.

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