Why Is It Important To Donate Blood During The Summer?

Did you know that donating blood in summer is very important? In this article, you will learn about the reasons why the need for donors is increasing.

Giving blood is a completely selfless act that saves thousands of lives every year. In several of our cities, we can see mobile units that stay a few days in one place to facilitate the donation. But why is it so important to donate blood during the summer?

During the months of June, July and August, several campaigns are aimed at citizens to make them aware of the importance of donating blood in summer. The reason is that in these months of the year, due to the holidays, the number of donors is reduced quite drastically. On June 14 of each year, World Blood Donor Day is celebrated. The goal is to thank all donors for their generous service.

The importance of donating blood in summer

It is important to donate blood

Even though we go on vacation, there are many people who suffer from illnesses and cannot travel. For their health, they must remain in the hospital to receive chemotherapy treatment for cancer or receive an organ transplant as a matter of urgency. Without the selfless donation of many citizens, many of them could not survive. Blood is essential for the above situations, but also for many others. However, is it only in the summer that there is a drop in the number of donors?

What does the French Blood Establishment tell us?

The French Blood Establishment emphasizes the importance of donating blood during the summer due to the approach of the holidays If, during the summer, the number of donors is reduced, it is particularly the weeks of August that make the situation critical.

According to this organization, in July August, there is a very drastic decrease in donors. This is why so many campaigns are carried out to educate the public about the importance of making donations throughout the year. But, above all, in these times when the number of donors is decreasing so much.

The number of accidents during the summer is increasing, so it is important to donate blood during this time

A man donating blood

Another reason why it is important to donate blood in the summer is that there is an increase in the number of accidents during this time. Traveling by car and not taking the necessary breaks, the fact that the road is slippery due to the rain or distractions can increase the chances of sustaining an impact.

Each year, the number of people who lose their lives on the road is significant. This is why donating blood is so important. This is how we help health centers and hospitals to have the quantity of plasma they need to cope with this kind of situation.

Donating blood saves lives

Donating blood in the summer is very important, but we should also donate the rest of the year if we can. Every day, thousands of people need, as we have said, a transfusion following an accident. However, blood is also needed in the following cases:

  • Women who have complications in childbirth and lose too much blood
  • Children diagnosed with severe anemia due to malnutrition
  • People who have suffered a serious trauma and not necessarily as a result of a traffic accident
  • People needing surgery (ovarian cyst, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, etc.)

For all these reasons, donating blood is so important. In addition, we must keep in mind that, as with other types of donation, blood has an expiration date. In addition, in some hospitals there is often a lack of blood for some of these groups. For example, the group A-.

Have you ever donated blood? Have you ever missed the mobile unit that appears several times a year in your city? If you are in good health and have the chance to donate, please do not hesitate. Together we can help each other. By donating some of your blood, you can help many people.

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