Why Is It Healthy To Eat Dried Fruit?

Although they give us a certain amount of carbohydrates, eating dried fruits can be a good idea for weight loss.

For a long time, we were very reluctant to eat dried fruits because we thought they were too high in calories and too fatty.

Also, we were worried that it would be difficult, as their good taste and small size lead us to compulsively eat them. Has it ever happened to you to start eating it and not being able to stop?

Consuming them that way is a problem. However, it’s different when you eat them in moderation: not only will they help you manage hunger, but they also have great benefits for your overall health, and that’s what matters most to us.

However, they are not all the same. Each has its particular advantages, so it is ideal to eat dried fruits, taking into account the positive effects of each of them.

This way we will not get tired of them and supplement our diet with these very effective foods.

Learn to eat fruit

1. Walnuts for chronic paindried fruits

  • Nuts are rich in Omega 3, which has great anti-inflammatory power. Therefore, they are highly recommended for those with chronic or habitual pain, such as joint pain or migraine.
  • On the other hand, they contain many antioxidants. These help us slow down aging and prevent cell damage.
  • All this, in addition, improves the problems already mentioned in other articles, especially those of the skeleton and muscular system.

2. Almonds to improve blood circulationdried fruits

  • They are suitable for people with diabetes. Almonds are natural insulin regulators. They therefore promote the balance of sugar in the blood.
  • Its antioxidants and monounsaturated fats also help reduce cholesterol levels.

As we know, excess glucose and cholesterol make blood circulation very difficult. They cause conditions ranging from restless legs syndrome to more serious conditions, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

Finally, its fiber content is considerable. This property is fundamental for our organism so that it can eliminate harmful elements as well as fats which have no nutritional value, but which increase our weight.

3. Cashews for brain activitydried fruits

Eating dried fruits like cashews is a real injection of minerals. One of the best known is iron, which is essential for oxygen to reach the brain.

For this reason, when we do not have enough, we perceive problems with concentration and loss of information.

In addition to iron, it is also rich in magnesium and zinc, which are essential for the immune system.

When our immune defenses are strong, we avoid aging, so memory suffers less over time. Keep in mind that this is vital for our understanding of the world.

4. Pistachios to maintain the linedried fruits

Of all the dried fruits, pistachios provide us with the fewest calories. In addition, since they are wrapped in a shell, we eat them more slowly.

Thus, the stomach has more time to assimilate their presence, so we feel full sooner.

As with other dried fruits, it concentrates a large amount of vitamin E, an excellent antioxidant. It also provides us with potassium, ideal for enriching our nervous system and muscles.

Thus, the digestion is much easier, which is very suitable for weight loss.

Can we eat as much as we want?

As we pointed out at the beginning, it is true that the consumption of dried fruits provides carbohydrates.

And we already know that, although necessary, the ideal is to control their consumption, because if we do not spend all the energy they give us, they turn into fat.

Knowing this, it is obvious that the desirable thing is to ask yourself how much to eat. The average amount is 30 grams per day, divided between the main meals.

However, we do not all work the same. This might be a good place to start, but you can look at yourself and see how well it suits you.

The right benchmark remains the balance. If you gain weight when you introduce them into your eating habits, it is best to reduce the number.

Dried fruits are very nutritious, easy to find and very economical. Generally, a balanced diet costs more than we would like.

Therefore, these foods are a great opportunity for everyone. In addition, they are very easy to carry, so with them you have solved the problem of snacking between meals.

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