Why Do Some Children Ask For Water Before Going To Bed?

Beyond handling or lack of affection, some children ask for water before going to bed because they want to make sure that the parents are there, ready for them. protect and that they can count on them as parents.

Why do some children want to drink before going to bed? Seeing this question, you may recall a similar scene with your own children.

We tuck them in, we kiss them, we wish them good night. We turn off the lights and close the door. But after a few minutes, one of them comes asking for some water. This behavior is common in some families.

The media present varied opinions on why children ask for water before going to bed. They talk to us about whims, manipulation, the need for time and affection.

It is also believed that it may be a request for the presence of parents. But sometimes it’s just because they’re thirsty. These arguments are briefly discussed below.

Caprice and manipulation

Some parents find that children ask for water before going to bed because it is one way of seeing how well they are in control.

a child who asks to drink before going to bed: a whim?

It is true that some children become capricious. One of the causes is the way parents educate them. And which they systematically meet all the needs and desires of their children. However, for a child, wanting to manipulate his parents through a glass of water is a very complex act and difficult to plan.

For this reason, children are not able to ask for water before going to bed with this seeking of manipulation or mere whim in mind.

They want to spend more time with you

In the case of other parents, they believe that if children ask for water before going to bed, because they do not spend enough time with them. Especially if the couple are working and feeling a little guilty about neglecting their children.

However, this behavior in children also occurs in families whose parents devote time in quantity and quality to their children.

On the other hand, think about the time it takes for children to drink water. Indeed, this act takes less than a minute. It is too brief for children to be able to interact with their parents.

This indicates that the reason some children ask for water before going to bed is not to spend more time with their parents.

They are really thirsty

Clean water and hydration are fundamental for the proper development of children. Sometimes children don’t drink enough water during the day. They may therefore be thirsty at night. In fact, it is okay for the child to ask for a drink before going to bed.

However, parents should monitor their children’s daily fluid intake. If the request is repeated very often. Or if you notice that your child is drinking a lot of water, it could be a symptom of childhood diabetes. In this case, you should consult a specialist to avoid any health problems or complications.

To know that you are there

a child who asks to drink before going to bed: a need to know that his parents are there?

As we have seen, some of the reasons parents think their children ask for water before going to bed don’t make much sense.

Indeed, we think like adults, not like children. Children have a different way of understanding their environment and the world, including their relationship with their parents.

First of all, it must be remembered that children are totally dependent on their parents. With them, they find the shelter and protection they need to feel safe. In fact, a vital aspect of a child’s development is the feeling of being protected.

For this reason, children sometimes have to prove that they can rely on their parents unconditionally. They want to “make sure” that you are there with them if something happens overnight. And one way to do that is to drink before going to bed.

What you can do about it

Do not despair

Remember, your little child’s goal is to confirm that you are always there for them. As adults, we may think our children will trust us automatically, but they don’t.

Parenthood is not as easy as programming a robot so that children don’t doubt us. As parents, we need to reassure and comfort them whenever it is necessary to do so.

Keep this advice in mind, and you’ll find that it will help you stay calm when you feel like you’re losing your temper. Love must be the motive for their education and they need it.

Spend time with your kids

Spending at least an hour a day with your children will help them feel your love and concern. Also in the evening you can do some activities with them like reading a story.

You can also do breathing exercises with your children so that they can relax and rest properly. This will help them stop feeling the urge to call their parents for a drink of water.

Help them deal with their emotions

to get your child to stop asking for a drink before going to bed, educate them emotionally

The emotional education that parents give to their children can be very helpful. By teaching them to deal with their emotions and at the same time showing them your love, you will prepare them for a more satisfying and stable adult life.

While paying attention to your children by satisfying their desire to drink water before going to bed, it is important to teach them to do things on their own, including going to the kitchen to drink water. water, even before going to bed.


In short, the reason some children want to drink water before going to bed is due to emotional and emotional deprivation. To meet this need, children need the comfort of their parents to feel safe.

Remember, your kids aren’t doing this to annoy you, manipulate you, or just throw a tantrum. They just want to feel comforted and protected.

However, if you notice any unusual behavior, you can consult a specialist to find out what to do.

Do you know this situation? If so, we would love to know how you resolved it.

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