Which Seeds Should You Include In Your Diet?

The best thing about the seeds is that thanks to their neutral taste, we can use them in sweet, savory dishes and even in drinks and enjoy all their benefits.

Although incorporating seeds into the diet may seem modern , the habit has been around for many centuries. Indeed, the seeds bring many benefits to our health and our beauty. In this article, we’ll tell you which ones you should add to your diet.

The seeds to incorporate into your diet

In stores or supermarkets we can find a large amount of products that include seeds in their composition.

And, aside from being a trend followed by vegetarians or celebrities, we have to point out that these are very nutritious and healthy foods. Here are some of the seeds that are worth including in your diet.

1. Chia seeds

Chia is very rich in iron, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, because of its high fiber content, chia seeds are very satiating and therefore excellent for people who are dieting. They eliminate toxins, prevent premature aging of the skin and regenerate tissues.

  • Before consuming them, it is very important to soak them in water for at least 10 minutes.
  • A kind of gelatin is formed and can be added to fruit and vegetable juices or smoothies.
  • Another solution is to mix them with cheese spread on toast or donuts for breakfast. Or even to consume them with yogurt or milk and oatmeal or almond flakes.

2. Pomegranate seeds

This beautiful, colorful fruit contains seeds that can be added to many sweet or savory preparations.

  • Rich in antioxidants, pomegranate fights the effects of free radicals and improves cellular health.
  • Among the nutrients in these seeds are polyphenols, which prevent heart disease, and vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system.
  • These seeds also prevent blood clots from forming, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and stimulate blood circulation.
  • In addition, pomegranate seeds prevent the development of arthritis and bone diseases.
  • They can be added to green salads, natural juices, cakes and pastries.

3. Sesame seeds

seeds to include in your diet: sesame seeds

Sesame is, among other things, an excellent source of protein and good fat as well as lecithin, iron, zinc and calcium.

  • Sesame seeds regulate cholesterol levels and give food a different flavor.
  • It is best to buy them raw and grill them without oil for a few minutes.
  • Sesame seeds go perfectly with salads, creams, cakes and breads.
  • Sprinkle some sesame on your meals and they will be completely transformed.

4. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds have many properties such as regulating cholesterol and resolving certain skin imperfections.

  • Since it is a caloric food, it is best to consume pumpkin seeds in the morning.
  • Otherwise, we can also eat them in the afternoon. Containing magnesium and vitamin B, they therefore synthesize serotonin and stabilize the nervous system.
  • They are therefore ideal for those who suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders.

They can also be eaten as a mid-morning snack. A handful is enough. As it is necessary to chew them well, they can be useful in case of intense stress at work or elsewhere.

Another alternative is to soak them overnight, and the next day, to mix them with vanilla or cinnamon essence.

5. Flax seeds

seeds to include in your diet: flax seeds

Although they are very small, they are at the same time very nutritious. It is an excellent source of dietary fiber which helps regulate the digestive system. In addition, flax seeds provide polyphenols and linoleic acid.

These nutrients have many health benefits, such as acting as a powerful anti-inflammatory and regulating hormone production (flax is recommended for menstruating or menopausal women).

Among other things, two of the main benefits of flax are that it maintains regular bowel movements and prolongs satiety for longer. Its consumption is ideal for people who suffer from constipation, food anxiety or who want to lose weight.

Flax seeds are very versatile and can be added to salads, breads, desserts, cookies, yogurts, milkshakes or smoothies.

6. Quinoa seeds

You could say that this is one of the seeds enjoyed around the world for very recently, but in fact it has been used for hundreds of years in South America.

Quinoa has many properties because it provides iron, fiber, phosphorus, protein and essential amino acids. These seeds are also very filling and therefore ideal for people who are on a weight loss diet.

Before consuming quinoa, it is essential to boil it in water and without salt for several minutes. It can then be added to salads, rice and cakes, or even eaten as a substitute for cereals.

7. Amaranth seeds

This is surely one of the lesser-known varieties of seeds, and yet it is one of the most nutritious.

Amaranth seeds are antioxidant, contain a good concentration of folic acid, are low in fat and rich in vegetable proteins. They allow us to relax and keep the central nervous system in good condition.

They can be added to stews, creams, soups or sprinkled on toast with lean cheese.

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