When You Least Expect It, Everything Happens

We must stop building walls and putting obstacles in our personal development, and be aware of our reality and our limits, and allow us to be happy with those terms.

And while we least expect it … Everything is going wonderfully. Is it a ready-made sentence? Is it a phrase that has come out of any personal development manual to wake up motivation?

Absolutely not ! Thinking in a positive way is a habit that we need to practice every morning in our mind, the same way we take coffee to make ourselves feel better. It is a way of life in which we allow ourselves to get what we deserve.

It is important to open the door to these hopes, which are not just blown away. If we try to do everything to make things run smoothly, life will give us back.

Thoughts change reality

Negative thoughts

You might have a friend calling you every day to tell you how things are going wrong today. You realize that his attitude is not the right one… These are people who experience tragedies in an unnecessary manner. 

We have all been through difficult times. We know all about frustration, abandonment or betrayal. But we can all overcome these moments.

  • You have to take on the dramas of life, understand them, accept them, and then go beyond them.
  • Focusing on negative thoughts and emotions is like putting yourself in a tunnel. We can’t see anything around us. What you will see at the end of the tunnel is the light of a train. Do not allow this!
  • The one who accepts, assumes and lets go, releases emotional charges and moves forward freely. A more open mind becomes more receptive and sensitive to the positive aspects of everyday life. Flexible, open and positive thinking that does not victimize itself through setbacks or losses is a reflection of a mind capable of creating its own reality.

When you least expect it, anything can happen because you are the craftsman of your daily life and you do not put barriers to your personal development.

The ability to accept the unexpected: everything happens when you least expect it

Sometimes we have a hard time letting go. Assuming and accepting that things can happen unexpectedly means accepting that many of them are beyond our control.

We cannot control or dominate other people so that they never hurt us. And sometimes, a disappointment also makes you realize that this person did not deserve our sympathy or our trust.

  • We often make the mistake of practicing “the extreme positive attitude”. Some people have too high expectations, or focus their future on the idea that they are going to have absolute success.
  • It is about “letting go” by keeping our feet on the ground, and always being aware of our capacities and our limits. We must practice realism with an open mind, and allow ourselves to accept the unexpected.
  • Sometimes things go wrong and it is inevitable, but failure does not determine the future, nor does it determine you.
    You are not your mistakes.
    You are someone who must learn and surpass yourself every day, with courage and optimism.

Keep this in mind …

When we wait the least, everything happens

Accepting the unforeseen is being confident that good things can happen and believing that we deserve all the positive aspects that life brings to us.

Sometimes everything goes well without us knowing why, but if we analyze the situation, we will realize that we are the source of these positive things.

  • Good things happen when we make small changes in our daily lives.
    It all depends on our own situation: it is possible that, in your case, what you need is a “bigger change”.
  • Everything is going well if you allow yourself. Those who tell themselves that good things only happen to others, put up walls in the face of their own personal development and their own happiness. It’s not worth it.
  • It doesn’t matter your age, your situation, and even your past. New opportunities know neither youth nor old age, nor wealth, nor poverty. The second opportunities feed only on your dreams and your determination as a person. Because, when you least expect it, everything is going perfectly …

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