What Your Sweating Says About Your Health: 5 Things

Sweating can have many triggers and sometimes signal a health problem. It is therefore better not to neglect the situations that make us sweat.

Who likes to have a sweaty face on summer mornings? Nobody. But did you know that there is a link between sweating and health?

And what man likes to have a white shirt completely discolored by body perspiration? None, to be sure.

Your body temperature rises, your nervous system gives the green light to your sweat glands, and moisture appears on your skin. This is called sweating.

We are constantly fighting this situation. Whether we use a handkerchief, perfume or deodorant, we always try to reduce this smell so that others do not notice it.

However, although you do everything you can to stop sweating, you will find that it is actually sending signals to us.

Here are a few things you can learn about sweating and health:

1. You are pregnant or about to go through menopause

The link between sweating and health allows you to learn more about the state of your period.

Suffocating in a cold place or unwilling to use a sweater when everyone is heavily covered. Here are some signs that 85% of women experience when they reach menopause.

However, this is not the only reason as pregnancy can also be the trigger for excessive sweating.

In both cases, this is due to hormonal changes. They seem to get into the thermostat’s brain by mistake. They cause overheating and sweating arises as a response to this reaction.

2. You are stressed

If you smell bad, think for a moment. Analyze what has been in your head lately. During this time, answer the question: “Am I stressful or anxious?”

If so, your emotions are probably the culprits for this unpleasant smell. The perspiration that we produce when we are hot is produced through eccrine glands, located throughout the body and mainly containing water and salt.

When you are stressed, perspiration is produced by the apocrine glands. They are found only in certain areas, such as the armpits.

This type of sweat contains fats and proteins, which then mix with the bacteria in the skin. They then produce an unpleasant odor . It’s the same when you are anxious or afraid.

3. You propagate your happiness or your fear

The link between sweating and health also tells you about your emotional state.

Even if it seems strange, the people around you can sense what you smell just by the smell of your perspiration.

In one experiment, 36 women smelled odor tests from 12 men who had seen videos in order to feel fear or happiness.

When a woman smelled the sweat of a man who had been scared, she was more likely to have a fearful facial expression. When she smelled the sweat of a happy man, she smiled a lot more.

To conclude: if you feel fear, others will feel it. If you’re happy, too.

4. You risk catching a heatstroke

Have you ever had to go out for a walk and not sweat? Some think it is a symbol of resistance. Although this is sometimes possible, you should be concerned if the weather is very hot, you are not sweating and you start to feel nauseous.

It is called anhidrosis and it is the inability to sweat normally. It is a very dangerous condition. The absence of sweating prevents your body from cooling off naturally.

If this is your problem, then we recommend that you pay attention to extreme heat situations.

When you see that you are at risk, drink plenty of water to collect fluids. You should also cover up when you are in the sun, take a shower with lukewarm water and also limit your exposure to heat.

If you are away from home, find a place in the shade or with conditioned water. If you don’t feel better quickly, call or seek emergency medical attention.

5. You have low blood sugar

Your glucose levels should be between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter of blood if you are on an empty stomach. If they are under the 70 mark from diabetes or from over exercising, you will start to feel the effects.

One of the symptoms may then be excessive sweating, especially in the area of ​​the back of the neck, on the hairline.

If your heartbeat has accelerated or you experience tremors, mild nausea, and blurred vision, you need to alert yourself. So it is good to keep your glucose levels at the correct rate.

There you have it, now you know the link between sweating and health.

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