What To Do To Have Abundant Eyelashes?

Excessive use of mascara on our eyelashes could weaken them and cause them to fall out. To have abundant eyelashes, you need to provide them with daily care.

It is said that the eyes are a reflection of the soul, and for women an enchanting gaze is an integral part of the beauty routine. Mascara for eyelashes, extensions and other products are among the allies to highlight full lashes. In this article, we’ll give you some easy and economical recommendations to apply.

We will share with you some tips to make your eyelashes look beautiful naturally. So, get your papers and pencils ready, and get ready to have an impactful look in a few weeks!

What to do to have abundant eyelashes?

Brush your eyelashes every day

To have abundant eyelashes, you must brush them daily

Make a habit of brushing your eyelashes every day, as brushing stimulates their growth. Blood circulation will then be better, and your eyelashes will grow better. Of course, you have to be constant, because you will not be able to have abundant eyelashes overnight.

To start this routine all you need is an eyelash brush. Don’t bother looking for an expensive one in a beauty store, the brush of a rimmel that you no longer use will serve just fine.

This type of brush is perfect for your eyelashes. Make sure to remove any leftover rimmel and go! Brush every day before bedtime. Remember to do this with your makeup removed, because by wearing makeup you could weaken them.

Apply olive oil for full lashes

Olive oil has many benefits for our beauty. A few drops will be used to have much shinier and healthier hair. But did you know that olive oil also helps eyelash growth?

The reason is simple: olive oil helps cleanse the hair follicle of the eyelashes. In this way, they can grow more easily and more abundantly. Also, they fortify them, so the possibility of them falling or breaking is less.

  • To apply it, you just need a cotton ball soaked in a few drops of olive oil.
  • Then you need to rub your eyelashes with the cotton wool from root to tip. Do it with delicacy, because it should not get in the eyes.
  • Repeat this technique every night.

Apply chamomile

Chamomile is a plant that has many benefits for the body. It can soothe pain or inflammation and, cosmetically, strengthen your hair. You can also use it to make your eyelashes look longer and thicker.

  • To benefit from it, you should only apply chamomile tea in the eyelid and eyelash area.
  • Make it a daily habit to see results in a very short time.

Eat foods that are high in keratin to have abundant eyelashes

Diet is also very important for the appearance of healthy skin, hair and nails. Of course, we include eyelashes in this list. Keratin is part of the top layer of the skin and provides nutrients to the skin to make it healthier.

  • Eat foods that contain or promote keratin production. The best foods on the list are protein, such as fish, chicken, and eggs, or vegetables.

Apply vitamin E like coconut or almond oils

How to have abundant eyelashes?

To nourish your eyelashes and make them grow abundantly, you can also help them by applying homemade and natural preparations. One of them is based on vitamin E, with coconut and almond oils.


  • 3 soft capsules / capsules of vitamin E
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (15 milliliters)
  • 1 tablespoon of fine oil (15 milliliters)


  • In a container, add the contents of 3 capsules of vitamin E, a spoonful of coconut oil and an almond oil.
  • Mix well and apply with a cotton ball to your eyelids and eyelashes.
  • Repeat the procedure every day, or at least 4 times a week.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes and try not to rub the area very hard. The use of the preparation will help you to have abundant and strong eyelashes.

What to do to avoid weakened eyelashes?

  • Don’t sleep with makeup on, especially if you wear mascara
  • Don’t overuse mascara
  • When removing makeup or washing your face, do not rub your eyes hard
  • Avoid the use of eyelash straighteners , this could weaken and break them
  • Avoid excessive consumption of saturated fats, as these prevent eyelash growth

By following these simple recommendations, you will notice a change in a matter of weeks. In addition, the use of mascara and extensions will not be necessary, except on a few special occasions. It would be best if your eyelashes were beautiful in a natural way without the need to apply products to them that mistreat or weaken them.

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