What Is Electromagnetic Radiation And How Does It Affect Us?

Technology has literally come to revolutionize human life. But the more innovative the devices, the more electromagnetic radiation around us increases.

Today, many researchers are focusing on the study of ionizing radiation, leaving out non-ionizing radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation is the whole process in which energy is emitted, in the form of waves or material particles into space.

To differentiate them, we must take into account their frequency: the higher the frequency, the greater their energy.

Electromagnetic waves are vibrations that move in a vacuum at the speed of light and without our being able to perceive them.

There is radiation that is harmless to living things. They are said to be non-ionizing.

They are safe because they do not affect the atomic bonds of molecules in the body. These are electromagnetic waves.

We are continuously exposed to AM and FM radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays.

At the other end of the spectrum is ionizing radiation which changes atoms and breaks down molecules. As a result, they can cause irreversible damage and sometimes even death to those exposed.

This radiation results from the disintegration of unstable atoms in radioactive substances (eg uranium).

There are basically three types of radiation: alpha, beta and gamma

  • Alpha (α): They are not very penetrating and can just pass through a sheet of paper.
    They are extremely harmful because it means that once they permeate a site, they contaminate the food or drink that is nearby.
    By touching or ingesting any of these foods, you are contaminated.
  • Beta (β): They are much more penetrating than alpha waves and can pass through aluminum foil. However, they are less dangerous.
  • Gamma (γ): They are very penetrating and nuclear in origin, so thick blocks like concrete are needed to prevent them from entering.

Harmful effects

Harmful effects of radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation causes biological effects in humans, but it is not necessarily harmful.

For example, when you listen to music, dance or read a book, there is a biological change which does not affect the body, as it has the ability to compensate for the effect.

However, when the body is exposed to electromagnetic waves and the biological effect is outside the normal level, it affects health.

According to scientific reports on the effect of electromagnetic fields on the human endocrine system and associated pathologies, there have been cases of:

  • Breast cancer, leukemia and tumors
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Memory loss
  • Brain cancer
  • Cardiopulmonary disorders: tachycardia and blood pressure
  • Reduction of red blood cells

Likewise, they can also cause other disorders, some milder, such as:

  • Vision problems: cataracts and vision loss
  • Developmental issues in children
  • Hypertension
  • Tired
  • Neurological disorders: mental confusion, irritability, headache and insomnia
  • Articular pain
  • Reproductive problems: alteration of the menstrual cycle, miscarriage, infertility
  • Dermatitis and skin disorders

How to reduce electromagnetic radiation?

Although large companies dispute that household appliances, cell phones or computers have an impact on health, studies are being analyzed to investigate these effects. Unfortunately, the consequences can take 10 or 20 years to manifest.

It is virtually impossible to eliminate exposure to electromagnetic waves, but it can be reduced with a few simple habits:

  • Turn off and disconnect any unused devices.
  • It is recommended to charge a device and then unplug it when the charge is complete.
  • If it needs to stay plugged in, move it away from you.
  • If you are using a heater or fan, place it at least 1 meter from the bed.
  • Avoid using electric blankets.
  • For desk lamps, it is important that they have incandescent bulbs.
  • When heating something in the microwave, stay away while it is in use.
  • Stay away from the television because it generates waves around it.
  • Turn off Bluetooth if you don’t need it.
  • Avoid closed and air-conditioned places.
  • Do not place the washer or dryer near bedrooms, as the radiation passes through the walls.
  • Children, pregnant women and the elderly are most likely to be affected by radiation.
  • Reduce the use of cell phones, especially for children under the age of 14.

Radiation from phones.

In short, we can say that human beings are exposed to millions of radiations, good or bad.

However, all we can do is try to keep them as low as possible by following the recommendations in this article.

Even though the problem is not visible today, it is possible that in a few years we will have to live with all the consequences.

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