What Is Black Seed And What Are Its Healing Powers?

If we are undergoing pharmacological treatment, we should consult our doctor on the appropriateness of consuming the big black, in case it might have side effects.

Nigella Sativa, better known as the black seed, is an annual herb that grows between 8 and 12 inches in height. Its flowers are usually delicate and come in different colors such as white, yellow, pink, blue or pale purple.

It is a plant used all over the world since Antiquity by multiple indigenous cultures in the religious and medicinal fields for its various properties. The black seed is native to Southern Europe, North Africa or Southwest Asia.

However, it is cultivated in various countries around the world, such as India, Syria, Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, countries in Southern Europe and countries in the Mediterranean region.

The seeds and their oil have a long history. For example, the earliest records of its cultivation and use lead us to  Egypt , specifically to the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, over 3,300 years ago.

What is the black seed used for?

What is the black seed for

Traditionally, black seed or cultivated Nigella is used to treat many disorders and diseases related to the respiratory, immune, digestive or cardiovascular systems, among others.

For example, in Hindu and Arab culture, black seeds and their oil were used as food and medicine. In fact, it is called the “seed of blessing”.

In countries of Southeast Asia and the Middle East, it was used to treat diseases such as rheumatism, inflammatory diseases, bronchitis and asthma.

How can you use black seed?

Black seed can be used in different ways:


When carrying out this coloring process, the active principles of the seeds are extracted.

This presentation is useful for indigestion, loss of appetite, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, dropsy, and rash.


black seed oil

In this case, the oil is used as an antiseptic and pain reliever in a specific area of ​​the body.


Consuming the roasted seeds is helpful in stopping cases in which someone is suffering from vomiting.

Properties of black seed

The black seed is one of the most studied medicinal plants in recent years. Thanks to this, she occupies one of the first places in the tests.

Therefore, there are many scientific studies that give us the assurance that consuming them in a balanced way can help improve our health.

  • Among the main healing substances found in the seed is thymoquinone, the main bioactive component of essential oil.
  • They also include alphahenderin, a water soluble substance that works as a potential anticancer agent.

Regarding its composition, in addition to its protein, fat, carbohydrate and fiber content, Nigella Sativa seeds contain a good amount of various minerals such as potassium, zinc or iron, among others.

Likewise, said seeds contain unsaturated acids, mainly linoleic acid (50 to 60%), oleic acid (20%). It also has saturated fatty acids to a lesser extent (30% or less).

Among these pharmacological actions we find the following:

  • Anti-diabetics
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-spasmodics
  • Bronchodilators
  • Hepato-protector
  • Gastro-protector


As you may have noticed, the black seed has incredible nutritional and medical potential.

However, it is important to keep in mind that as its use and consumption attracts huge benefits, it can also have side effects.


no black seed during pregnancy

Consumption during this state is prohibited, as the herb can affect the normal contractions of the uterus.

Allergic reactions

In some cases, the use of black seeds can cause anaphylaxis, which is allergic reactions that cause inflammation of the airways.

They can also appear in parts of the face such as the lips, tongue, mouth, and produce hives, dizziness, nausea, etc.

This condition is fatal if it is not treated very quickly. For this reason, special care must be taken in its administration and the effects it produces on each person.

Negative interactions

Due to its antioxidant properties, black seed may decrease the effectiveness of normal treatments and cancer drugs, including radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Before consuming them, it is essential to consult a specialist.


black seed can cause dermatitis

In some cases, contact with the seed can cause a rash and itching on the skin. In addition, it could cause blisters, pain or tenderness in the area where the semen has come into contact.

Lower blood pressure

One of its properties is to lower blood pressure and increase breathing.

Therefore, its use is not recommended for people with hypotension.  Because its use could increase its effects, cause shock due to sudden blood loss, serious infection or even a heart attack.

In conclusion, it is not in vain that the seed is considered miraculous. However, it should be remembered that the excess of any substance is usually dangerous for health.

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