What Foods Are There To Reduce High Blood Pressure?

Garlic is one of the best foods for improving high blood pressure and for overall health. If we consume it raw, it also allows us to lower our cholesterol levels.

High blood pressure is a disease considered to be chronic. It is characterized by increased blood pressure in the arteries. In this article, we are going to give you a list of foods to lower high blood pressure.

What causes high blood pressure?

There are certain eating habits, genetic conditions, or diseases that promote high blood pressure.

Sodium intake

When we eat a lot of salty foods, the pressure increases. Because the tension that the blood exerts on the arteries is greater.

One third of patients with hypertension are sensitive to sodium because it also increases fluid retention in the body.

Less renin production

Black people tend to secrete less renin (a substance produced by the kidney), which is why they are more likely to have high blood pressure. Medications related to renin are also less effective on them.

Insulin resistance

Many people who have diabetes also have high blood pressure. Insulin has the ability to stimulate activity in the sympathetic nervous system, but without increasing blood pressure.

This is why insulin problems are added to pressure problems.

Overweight and obesity


There is a very strong link between high body mass index and higher blood pressure. The blood has to make a lot of efforts to pass through the arteries clogged with fat and therefore, generates more tension on the walls.

Genetic predisposition

  • There are genes that determine a higher risk of developing high blood pressure, as well as an increased link between coronary heart disease and kidney disease and hypertension.
  • If in your family there are cases of people suffering from blood pressure issues, it is more likely that you will suffer from it as well.


As time passes, the risk of developing high blood pressure increases. Since the artery walls deteriorate and thin while the blood vessels become more and more rigid.

When there is not much arterial elasticity, it is therefore more difficult for the blood to circulate.

Foods to reduce high blood pressure

Once you know what causes high blood pressure, the next step is to reduce the onset of new episodes. A balanced, low-salt diet, a quieter life, and exercise can help.

Some foods recommended for lowering high blood pressure include:


foods to reduce high blood pressure: garlic

It is pretty much perfect for everything and therefore is considered a super potent antibiotic. Consuming one or two cloves of garlic per day in different preparations (and even better if it is raw) lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.

What do you think of a fasting garlic clove? It provides you with allicin, a compound with antihypertensive properties.

The tomato

Tomato contains amino acids that help reduce high blood pressure. As well as lycopene, which improves circulation, and glutathione, a powerful antioxidant.

You can also consume raw tomatoes in salads, juices or gazpachos.


This rich fruit contains bromelain: an enzyme that dissolves clots and thins the blood.

Drink pineapple juice or slices of this fruit for dessert, at least once a week, to take advantage of its properties for the circulatory system.

The banana

foods to reduce high blood pressure: banana

Bananas contain magnesium and potassium. It is therefore recommended for people who consume diuretics or drugs for hypertension. Because these drugs remove these essential nutrients.

In addition, it helps prevent cramps and is a great source of vitamins. Eat a banana for dessert or as a smoothie.

The carrot

It is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotenes and is perfect for preventing problems with the circulatory system. 

Eat raw carrots, for example grated, in a salad or in a smoothie to lower cholesterol, protect the arteries and prevent arteriosclerosis.

Dry vegetables

Eat lentils, chickpeas, green beans, peas often. Do not hesitate to eat it three times a week, in various dishes, to provide your body with magnesium, potassium, vitamin B, iron and fiber.

In addition, they are rich in essential fatty acids and vegetable proteins.

The cabbage

The whole cruciferous family, such as broccoli, kale or even Brussels sprouts, are perfect antioxidants that are used to prevent arterial degeneration and to control vascular health.

  • There are thousands of recipes that include these high-glucosinolate veggies that balance your blood pressure.

The lemon

It is a citrus fruit rich in vitamin C as well as in flavonoids.

These two nutrients keep the arteries in good condition and improve their elasticity. They therefore reduce high blood pressure and prevent the blood from putting too much pressure on its way to the heart.

  • Use a lemon as a seasoning in your salads or to add flavor to your dishes.


This tropical fruit has the ability to lower bad cholesterol, or LDL, and increase levels of good cholesterol, or HDL. Guava is also used to stimulate blood pressure.

  • It’s a great option for dessert, a mid-morning snack, or in a natural, refreshing smoothie.

Chia seeds

foods to reduce high blood pressure: chia seeds

It is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and magnesium (among other minerals).

  • You can add a spoonful of chia to your breakfast milk, yogurt or juice, and sprinkle it on your pies, salads or soups as well.
  • Remember to moisten the seeds with water to activate them.


This characteristic taste spice contains several components which serve to reduce triglycerides and bad cholesterol or LDL.

Turmeric is great for preventing cardiovascular disease.

Add it to rice, pasta or fried foods. Delicious and very healthy!

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