Vegan Avocado And Oregano Cheese

Vegan avocado and oregano cheese is a healthy alternative to traditional cheese. Its taste conquers both those following a vegan diet and those looking to improve their diet.

As many know, the avocado is one of the foods  most versatile and  the  most healthy to integrate his diet. Due to its incomparable taste, it is very good in salads, smoothies, sauces and other recipes. Have you ever tried vegan avocado and oregano cheese?

Although not a conventional cheese, it is a nutrient-dense recipe that we can use to replace this ingredient in some dishes. In fact, it’s perfect to enjoy with wholegrain bread, cookies, and other ingredients for breakfasts and snacks.

Vegan cheese with avocado and oregano: healthy and easy to prepare

vegan avocado cheese

There are many recipes for vegetable cheeses made from seeds, nuts or roots. However, this time we have found  an interesting way to make vegan cheese with avocado and oregano. Without a doubt, this cheese will be ideal for those who want a healthier and more balanced diet!

Likewise, it can be taken into account in weight loss diets, because its caloric intake is reduced compared to a traditional cheese. It provides, among other things, healthy fats, proteins and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Do you dare to try it?


  • 3 medium avocados
  • 4 tablespoons of liquid crude coconut oil (60 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt (5 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of nutritional yeast (90 g)
  • ΒΌ cup of fermented vegetable drink (62.5 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of psyllium powder   (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of dried oregano leaves (20 g)


  • Deep bowls (for mixing)
  • blender
  • Pastry circle
  • Baking paper


  • To start, cut the avocados in half and extract the pulp.
  • Then insert it into the blender and add the coconut oil and lemon juice.
  • Add the salt, yeast and the fermented drink.
  • Beat for two minutes then add the psyllium powder  .
  • Make sure you get a homogeneous and thick mixture.
  • Once you have achieved the desired consistency, take a large circle or several small ones and fill them with avocado paste on baking paper.
  • Put the cheeses in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours.
  • After 8 hours, check that they have set and that their consistency is good.
  • Finally, remove your cheese (s) from the mold, cover it with dehydrated oregano leaves.

How to prepare the fermented vegetable drink?

One of the doubts that can arise when making a vegan avocado and oregano cheese is where to buy the plant-based fermented drink used in its ingredient list. Discover a simple recipe to make it yourself at home!

Ingredients (for 3 liters)

  • 1 cup of buckwheat, quinoa or kamut seeds (200 g)
  • 12 cups of water (3 liters)


  • Large glass jar
  • Elastic rubber or thread
  • Piece of tissue


  • First, put the grain to germinate. To do this, place the beans in the glass jar and let them soak for about 8 hours.
  • Cover the neck of the bottle with the piece of fabric and secure it with elastic or thread.
  • Then drain the water and leave the bottle tilted down and diagonally for two more days.
  • During this time, be sure to soak several times so that the seeds will sprout little by little.
  • Then rinse and fill the bottle with twice as much water.
  • Then let them soak for another 24 hours. This is when the sprouted seeds must ferment the liquid.
  • At the end of the time, filter the water and keep it in the glass jar of the refrigerator. If you wish, you can repeat the fermentation with the same seeds two more times, but only for 12 hours.

Note:  You can also use lentil or spelled grains, among others. The most important thing is to respect the fermentation process. Remember that if the temperature is high, the drink will ferment quickly.

To consider !

vegan cheese with avocado and oregano

Vegan cheese made with avocado and oregano is a healthy proposition that generally appeals to those on a vegan diet. However, it is also a great option for those who want to improve their diet. Although very different from traditional cheese, it can be replaced in many dishes.

So, feel free to use it by:

  • Sandwiches
  • Bread and toast
  • Tacos and burritos
  • Pasta
  • Salads
  • Stews

Remember that calories vary depending on the serving size. It is preferable to have a moderate consumption of this cheese. Also, the ideal is to accompany it with other healthy foods. Still haven’t tried? Don’t wait any longer and get started!

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