Variety Of Vromages And Their Contributions

Vromages are made from plant products. They are generally organic and involve the consolidation of protein paste from different origins such as soybeans, solidified vegetable oils, nutritional yeast or seeds.

Have you ever tasted vromages? Do you think they could be more beneficial than those derived from milk? So keep reading this article, we’ll cover what you need to know.

Vegan eating is also known as  strict vegetarianism. These people refrain from eating meat and any food of animal origin. This category includes products such as milk and its derivatives, eggs and any product from animals.

What is vromage?

A plate of vromages

One of the favorite foods is cheese. There are many kinds and the options for consumption are endless. However, many people need to stop consuming it for medical reasons, such as lactose intolerance or allergy to milk protein.

Other people, on the other hand, choose a  dairy-free lifestyle,  such as vegans. We find more and more people adopting this way of life in the world.

The traditional types of cheese that we know of  are made with casein. It is a type of milk protein obtained from animals such as cows, goats and sheep. During production, a group of enzymes produced in the stomachs of animals called “rennet” is added to milk.

As for the vromages, they are made  from plants. They are usually organic and involve the consolidation of protein paste from different origins such as soybeans, solidified vegetable oils, nutritional yeast or seeds.

Since this type of cheese is not subjected to the natural protein ripening process, it does  not taste like a “normal” cheese  that has gone through said process.

Benefits of consuming vromages

As we have mentioned,  vromages have specific characteristics that differentiate them from  cheeses of animal origin. Nevertheless, they also possess a series of remarkable benefits. This makes it an ideal food to include in any type of diet.

  • The great benefit of vromages is their  very low cholesterol and fat content  compared to cheeses of animal origin. This reduces the risk of suffering from obesity, diabetes, heart problems and cancer.
  • When it comes to protein, vromages contain between 1 and 2 grams of protein per serving. That’s why it’s a good protein intake
  • Vromages are also  very rich in minerals, such as phosphorus and potassium. These are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the maintenance of our muscles.

There are 3 main groups of vromages

A bowl of vromages

First of all, we have tofu, or vegan cheese. It is none other than fermented soybeans. This fermentation has the appearance of fresh vegan cheese very rich in protein.

Then there are the vromages based on coconut fat and starch (usually potato). These vromages obtain a texture characteristic of cheeses of animal origin.

Finally, there are vromages made from dried fruits. The two most used dried fruits are cashews and almonds. However, they have the drawback  of not being able to mask the taste of cashew nuts or almonds. But if you see it from another angle, you will get original flavors.

How many types of vromages do we have?

In France, there is a very wide variety of cheeses of animal origin, more than 1200 varieties. The vromages have only existed for about ten years. Nevertheless, the varieties are more and more numerous. Here is a list of the varieties of vromage to taste:

  • Grated parmesan
  • Vegan mozzarella
  • Vegan cheddar
  • Smoked vromage

Where can they be found ?

You can find vromages in  vegan friendly food  stores and in healthy and ecological food stores as well as in vegan fairs and restaurants.

Finally, if you want to make a delicious vromage yourself, you will find a recipe below that will tell you how.

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