Treating Irritable Bowel With Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Foods rich in soluble fiber fill you up, protect our intestinal lining, relieve pain and inflammation, and stimulate bowel movements.

Although not all of the causes of irritable bowel disease are known today, doctors and nutritionists agree that proper nutrition and good emotional management are essential for colon health and treatment.

Before resorting to self-medication to relieve the pain and internal inflammation that generate this problem, do not hesitate to seek medical advice and consume the appropriate foods to fight this condition.

The key lies in restoring the internal balance of this delicate part of our digestive system.

We invite you to consider this list of foods that will help you treat irritable bowel.

Green vegetables to treat the colon

Spinach, arugula, watercress, chard… These ingredients should not be missing from any diet.

Green vegetables help to heal the colon naturally and prevent inflammation. 

  • Rich in antioxidants that fight against free radicals.
  • They provide us with vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K, which are essential for the colon to optimize its basic functions.
  • They have a suitable level of fiber. You should know that too much fiber can bring more problems than benefits. The best is therefore to provide our body between 20 and 25 grams of fiber per day.
  • The one that interests us the most is soluble fiber, because it acts as a protector of the lining of the intestine, it purifies harmful agents and regulates the consistency of the stool.

The celery

Celery is a natural source of potassium with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Thanks to it, we can maintain the internal balance of cells by nourishing them and eliminating toxins.

Most processed foods, like industrial baking and sodas, contain high levels of sodium, a component that tends to inflame the body and exacerbate the irritable bowel problem.

If you’re used to eating celery, whether in salads or in juice, your digestive system will thank you.


Don’t avoid avocado thinking it’s too high in calories. Its fats are healthy for our body and support the health of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

  • Regular consumption of avocado allows us to treat irritable bowel thanks to its high content of soluble fiber, potassium, vitamin and calcium.
  • All its components take care of the colon tissue, fight against inflammation and strengthen the intestinal flora.
  • We cannot forget that avocado provides us with large amounts of electrolytes, which are essential when we suffer from diarrhea.

Coconut oil

According to the Mayo Clinic, coconut oil is an ideal source of fiber and nutrients for treating inflammation of the colon. 

Unlike other types of oils, its essential components provide us with all these benefits:

  • It is rich in medium chain triglycerides and medium chain fatty acids, unlike other oils which have long chain triglycerides.
  • It has great anti-microbial power capable of regulating and fighting the excessive growth of harmful bacteria and other types of infections.
  • Coconut oil helps us cleanse the colon, prevent inflammation, and improve nutrient absorption during digestion.


You shouldn’t be afraid of kefir either. It is obvious that in general, dairy products increase the inflammation of our digestive system, but kefir removes the lactic sugar which promotes these allergic processes.

  • Kefir is a very healthy compound of digestive bacteria and yeasts that take care of gut health. 
  • By regularly consuming kefir, we bring microorganisms to the colon in order to strengthen the intestinal flora thanks to lactobacilli.
  • If you are lactose intolerant, you can consume kefir to take care of your colon health.


We told you about the need for soluble fiber to relieve irritable bowel pain and inflammation.

Oats are another food that shouldn’t be missing from your diet as well.

  • Oats are one of the best whole grains you can find. It is considered a super food and is without a doubt the best way to start the day.
  • It provides us with slow-burning carbohydrates that fill us up for several hours. 
  • In addition, oats take care of our intestinal flora and provide us with high doses of vitamins and proteins that we should not give up.

The banana

Bananas, along with apple and papaya, are one of the best fruits you can eat when you have an irritable bowel.

However, it is one of the most interesting foods for this condition thanks to its high content of potassium, magnesium and vitamin B.

It relaxes us thanks to tryptophanes, it stimulates the digestive system and prevents ailments such as ulcerative colitis.

Don’t be afraid to eat one banana a day during the early hours of the day.

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