Treat Fatty Liver Syndrome At Breakfast

If you have fatty liver, do not miss the three infusions that we are going to offer you, to purify, protect and strengthen this so important organ.

Fatty liver is a very common liver disease in the world population. Many people suffer from fatty liver syndrome without realizing it. 

If you or one of your relatives suffers from it, you know that this disease requires a radical change in habits, especially in terms of food.

With some effort, and taking appropriate nutritional supplements, this inflammation can be relieved, and the fatty liver index and syndrome can be reduced.

The game is worth the candle because it will allow you to gain in quality of life. In this article, we’ll tell you how to treat fatty liver syndrome with breakfast. You are ready ?

The benefits of breakfast against fatty liver

How Can Eating Breakfast Help You Treat Fatty Liver Syndrome?

To begin with, you must take into account that fatty liver syndrome is a disease in which fatty acids and triglycerides accumulate in this so important organ of our body, and cause inflammation.

Even though it is a mild condition, it must be treated properly, otherwise it could become a much more serious illness.

It’s not just about improving your diet, but also realizing the importance of a lifestyle change, starting with breakfast.

We will explain to you how this breakfast will be useful to you against this disease:

The three functions of breakfast against fatty liver:

  • Cleanse: the first function of breakfast is to cleanse the liver of all the toxins that saturate it.
    Indeed, lipids and fatty acids from food alter its basic functions, and cause inflammation.
  • Fortify: one of the most wonderful properties of our liver is its ability to self-regenerate.
    He is able to create new, healthy and strong cells and tissues, but for that he needs a little boost.
    Provide it with antioxidants, good proteins and minerals that will allow it to synthesize the enzymes necessary for its regeneration.
  • Protect: the liver is one of the most important organs in our body, but also one of the most fragile because it is very sensitive to poor nutrition or unhealthy lifestyles.
    The fats, toxic products present in food or in certain drugs, tobacco and alcohol end up making him sick.
    However, with a healthier diet and the right supplements, we can protect it enough to prevent fatty liver disease from occurring.

Depurative infusions for breakfast

If you’ve been diagnosed with fatty liver disease, don’t worry and keep calm.

As we mentioned earlier, it is an illness that can be cured if you take the necessary measures.

If you want to start feeling better then you have to make some drastic changes in your life and accept that you have to change your diet.

To achieve this, it is necessary to start by introducing one of the infusions that we are going to offer you in your breakfast, because they will help you to cleanse, protect and therefore strengthen your liver. You should eat them on an empty stomach, right after you wake up.

We will offer you 3 different options, so you can prepare the one you prefer. Take note :

1. The purifying and protective infusion with artichoke


  • 2 artichokes
  • A liter of water
  • The juice of a lemon


  • The first thing to do is first of all to heat the water, immediately adding the two artichokes.
    You should let them cook until they are very soft, then keep the cooking water, which has the greatest medicinal properties to treat fatty liver disease.
  • Then pour the water into a glass bottle, and add lemon juice to it. Drink this water throughout the day. Consume a glass on an empty stomach. What could be simpler ?

2. The purifying and protective infusion with dandelion


  • 20 g of dried dandelion
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 20 g lemon peel


  • First put the water to heat. Once it comes to a boil, then add the dried dandelion and the 20 grams of lemon peel.
    Wait for the cooking to continue for 15 minutes, then let stand 10 minutes off the heat. Filter everything, and drink very hot, little by little.

3. The purifying and protective infusion with milk thistle


  • 20 g of milk thistle ready to infuse (you can find it in herbalists and pharmacies)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • All you need to do is heat the water and, once it comes to a boil, then add a sachet of milk thistle ready to brew. Wait for everything to rest, filter and drink on an empty stomach.

The best breakfast foods to treat fatty liver syndrome

1. Fiber, the basis of your daily life

  • A bowl of oats
  • A slice of rye bread with olive oil
  • Natural corn cereals, no added sugars

2. Omega 3 fatty acids, protectors of your liver 

  • An egg yolk
  • Linseed oil (or flaxseed)
  • Linseed
  • Chia seeds
  • Sage seeds
  • Walnuts and hazelnuts

3. Fruits to cleanse and strengthen your liver 

  • Oranges
  • Lemons
  • Pears
  • Kiwis
  • Pineapple

Finally, remember to include a good cup of coffee in your breakfast. Indeed, this drink acts as an excellent protector of our liver.

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