Top 10 Foods To Take Care Of Your Liver

Have you ever wondered if your daily meals are good for your liver ? There is a list of foods to take care of your liver.

However, we often eat for pleasure, making the taste of our food the first criterion of choice, and not its benefits.

However, we have to take care of this organ.

“We are what we eat” but, in reality, we are all too rarely aware of the damage caused by certain foods, drinks or ready-made meals filled with refined fats and flours, which the body cannot digest properly.

In the long run, these habits have serious consequences. That is why in this article we are going to introduce you to the favorite foods of the liver.

As soon as you start consuming them and including them in your diet, you will feel much better.

1. Lemon to take care of your liver

lemon juice to take care of the liver

We often tell you about the benefits of lemon in our various articles.

But you should know that it is one of the favorite fruits of our liver, for the following reasons:

  • Lemon is a natural source of vitamin C, a substance perfect for helping our liver to get rid of the toxins that our body contains.
    This will allow us, for example, to greatly facilitate the digestion process.
  • As amazing as it may sound, lemon is a food very similar to our own gastric juices. It therefore helps our liver to carry out all its functions, eliminate toxins and absorb nutrients.
  • Lemon juice is also an exceptional ingredient for strengthening liver enzymes and for regulating the levels of carbohydrates in the blood.

2. Turmeric


Don’t hesitate to add turmeric to all your dishes, or even to your infusions, with a little honey.

This spice is ideal for digesting fat and stimulating bile production.

In addition, it is very useful to detoxify this organ so important in our body.

3. Nuts


One of the best health benefits of nuts is their glutathione and omega 3 content.

These two essential elements for our body  help the liver to purify and cleanse the body. 

4. Garlic to take care of the liver

Eating a clove of garlic on an empty stomach in a glass of water in the morning is a simple little gesture that will allow you to take care of your health, for the following reasons:

  • Garlic helps the liver activate enzymes to remove toxins and heavy metals.
  • Garlic also has two elements, allicin and selenium, which allow the liver to optimize its functions of purification and synthesis of enzymes.

5. Grapefruit, or pomelo

If you make a habit of drinking fresh grapefruit juice in the morning, you will allow your body to purify itself and you will strengthen your liver.

Indeed, grapefruit, or pomelo, contains a high content of vitamin C and antioxidants.

6. The lawyer


Consuming half an avocado a day is a very healthy habit, and an excellent one for the liver.

This is due to this fruit’s content of glutathione, one of the best antioxidants around.

This element allows the liver to purify itself of all the harmful elements that it does not need.

7. Cruciferous vegetables and liver

broccoli and tomatoes

Do you know cruciferous vegetables?

  • Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, etc.  are vegetables rich in vitamins, proteins and organic compounds like glucosinolates, which aid digestion and strengthen the liver.
    They are wonderful vegetables. So don’t hesitate to eat it twice a week!

8. Green tea

Green tea is very rich in antioxidants capable of helping the liver to carry out its most basic functions.

If you drink green tea daily, you will recharge your body with catechins, a very healthy element that helps take care of this important organ that is the liver.

9. The best vegetable oils

olive oil

There are different kinds of oil, and many of them are capable of supporting the health of our liver.

Take note of the oils that are most effective for this task:

  • First cold pressed organic oils, such as olive oil
  • Hemp oil
  • Oils from seeds

These different types of oil are very suitable for the liver because they provide a very healthy lipid base, so that the liver can purify the toxins present in the body, thus avoiding any toxic overload.

It is still important to specify that it should not be consumed in excess. Add them in your salads or in your dishes in moderation.

We recommend that you consume a spoonful of olive oil, along with two drops of lemon juice, on an empty stomach, every day.

It is an ideal medicinal remedy to take care of the health of the liver, which must be followed for 7 consecutive days per month.

10. Apples to take care of the liver

health benefits of apples

There is nothing healthier than carrying an apple in your bag every day and eating it mid-morning when hunger strikes you.

To enjoy all the benefits of this wonderful fruit, it must be eaten with its skin, because it contains pectin, an essential element for your health.

This chemical is great for the liver because it helps it eliminate toxins. It also helps facilitate digestion and take care of the heart.

Now you know all the foods to take care of the liver.

Don’t hesitate to include them in your daily eating habits, as they will help you have a better quality of life, and ideal liver health. 

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