Tips For Taking Care Of The Kidneys

By practicing physical activity, we make it easier for our kidneys to work. Sweating helps eliminate toxins.

The kidneys have many functions, including removing toxins. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the importance of the kidneys.

Many diseases start from the urinary system, which is why it is vital to take care of it and keep these organs functioning properly.

Symptoms that indicate the urgency to treat the kidneys

If you have one or more of the following symptoms, there is a good chance that your urinary system is suffering from some kind of imbalance :

  • too low or too high voltage
  • pain in the lower back and / or under the abdomen
  • dark urine
  • too often thirsty
  • frequent urge to urinate during the night

Other symptoms:

  • urinate less than half a liter per day
  • feeling your bladder full all the time
  • pain during urination
  • swelling of the ankles overnight
  • swollen eyes in the morning
  • appearance of hematomas without having been beaten or having hemorrhage. All of this is also a cause for concern.

More importantly, the presence of gallstones or stones in the kidneys and bladder is more than enough reason for urgent kidney cleansing.

The kidneys: how to avoid their imbalance?

Too many dairy products damage the kidneysControlling your diet is very important. This helps prevent the buildup of toxins in the body.

  • Limit your consumption of salt and pre-cooked products (especially frozen or breaded products).
  • Do not abuse dairy products, especially whole products (not skimmed).
  • Reduce your intake of animal proteins, as they precipitate calcium in the urine, which increases the presence of stones.
  • Avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drinks that are too sweet, as they help prevent the rapid elimination of calcium.
  • Eat a diet rich in natural foods.
  • Eat foods with diuretic properties, such as oranges, grapes, lemon, peach, celery, carrots, cucumbers, apples, watermelon, melon, salad, medlar, and grapefruit.
  • Limit aspirin, ibuprofen, and other similar drugs.
  • Drink two liters of water in winter and three liters of water in summer.

Cleanse the kidneys in 3 days 

Blueberries help cleanse the kidneys

There is no magic solution. The tips we offer here only help to improve the cleaning process.

Food advice

  • Do not consume coffee, alcohol, sodas, salt, and foods high in protein during these three days. These products irritate the kidneys and prevent the bladder from eliminating toxins properly. Replace all of this with mineral water, flax or girasol seeds, and almonds.
  • Start the day with a healthy breakfast and a glass of blueberry juice to lower calcium levels in the bladder. These sediments slow down the work of the kidneys and prevent the elimination of toxins. They are also the cause of kidney stones  and other urinary tract infections.
  • Drink a glass of potassium-rich juice in the middle of the day. You will increase your energy level while cleaning your body. Prepare yourself a juice made from carrots, celery, parsley and spinach.
  • Drink a glass of liquid chlorophyll. It is very useful for the body: it improves the immune system  and helps cleanse the blood.
  • Drink a glass of watermelon seed tea between lunch and dinner. This soft drink has diuretic effects which promote the proper functioning of the kidneys and the bladder as well as the digestion and evacuation of the food consumed during the day.
  • At dinner, drink carrot or blueberry juice to regulate the frequency of urine.
  • Avoid meat and products that contain a lot of flour.
  • Drink mint or dandelion tea before going to bed. This will help detoxify the body and digest food better.

Sports advice to heal the kidneys

  • Remember to exercise during these three days. Thirty minutes of walking a day is enough to facilitate the work of the kidneys.
  • You can also go to the sauna, in order to expel toxins through perspiration. Or take a cold shower after taking a hot bath.
  • Stretching exercises are recommended as they allow you to have a little more energy to face the day.

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