Tips For Losing Weight While Walking

Although the results on the scale are only visible after a month and a half, we will feel the benefits on our health from day one.

We know all the benefits for the heart of walking every day. It improves our breathing, our muscle tone. But if we do it regularly, we can also lose weight. while walking.

Thanks to this excellent exercise for health, we can manage to lose a good number of calories, to help us to shape our silhouette. We explain how!

Tips for losing weight while walking

For many people, the ideas of walking and burning fat don’t always go hand in hand. But it’s wrong. All the physical activities that are done regularly and in the right way allow us to convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy rather than fat stores.

So, if we have a balanced and adapted diet, we will be able to burn the excess fat simply. Worth it, right? So, read the following carefully.

1. Become aware of the benefits of walking

First, we have to convince ourselves that from now on, we are going to spend an hour a day walking. Therefore, you have to stick to it and find the time to do it during the day.

One useful technique to become aware of this is to buy the right equipment. Comfortable pants, a not too tight t-shirt, shoes that support the foot well and allow us to walk on any surface …

If you can also convince a friend or friend that walking can become a healthy routine that you will do every day. So, to begin with, you have to realize that you can lose weight by walking.

2. Set up durations and rhythms

tips for losing weight while walking: be aware of the benefits

To begin with, we recommend dividing the walking exercise into two half-hour phases so as not to exceed our limits. Half an hour in the morning, followed by half an hour in the afternoon. Once you are used to it, say after a week, you can then walk for an hour at a time.

Keep in mind that when we talk about walking, we are not talking about walking at a slow pace, like when we go shopping for example. You have to follow a rhythm. The recommended pace for losing weight while walking is around 7 km / h, which means walking quickly.

To get a feel for it, it’s a matter of going a mile and a half in 10 or 15 minutes, no more.

It is neither difficult nor overdone, rest assured! But it is essential that you make this effort so that your body can burn fat and for your heart to reach 60% or 70% of its heart rate, which forces your body to use its reserves to obtain the necessary energy, which increases the basal metabolism. 

3. The correct positions to lose weight while walking

  • We must not lengthen our strides too much.  The most common mistake to accelerate our walking pace is to lengthen our steps in an unnatural way. Try to find a stride that works for you, without ever straining.
  • Your shoulders should be relaxed and your torso straight. If your head swings too much, it means that your steps are too long and that you are forcibly walking. You need to feel good, without anything hurting you.
  • Your steps should be fast, but never lengthen your strides. Start at a normal pace, after five minutes you can start to speed up the rate of your steps.
  • Focus on the way your hips move. Their movement should be continuous, but natural, without you feeling discomfort. Your pelvis and hips will gain mobility through walking.
  • Your feet should touch the ground the right way  : the heel should touch the ground first, and the toes are the push. This helps prevent injuries and pain.
  • Your head should be in a normal position, neither raised nor lowered. Do not look at your feet, you might end up feeling smeared or experiencing an unpleasant sensation. It is essential that your walk be as comfortable as possible, while maintaining a good pace.
  • The shoulders should always be relaxed.  They should swing easily.
  • And the torso? It must be straight. Remember to pull in the belly button, so your back stays straight and your hips are relaxed.
  • Your arms should be bent at 90 °, in order to give us the impetus to walk well. As you walk, swing them without ever pulling them away from your body. Remember not to clench your fists.

4. The right breathing for walking

tips for losing weight while walking: breathe well

Breathing should come from the abdomen. Remember that walking is an aerobic exercise: our blood supplies oxygen to working organs and muscles and through this they can burn fat to convert it into energy.

So, it is necessary to have deep abdominal breathing. You must inhale the air while inflating the abdomen, before exhaling it through the mouth. It’s very easy.

As you can see, it is not very complicated. Try to walk with envy while having fun. It is a healthy exercise that we should all be doing every day. We urge you to do this, especially because the results on the scale start to be felt after a month and a half.

The pounds you can lose always depend on your metabolism, but eating a proper and balanced diet is important anyway.

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