Tips For Getting To Sleep

More and more people are having trouble getting to sleep. Stress, problems, daily restlessness, unhealthy diet and the like can keep us awake.

In addition to leading a healthy lifestyle, you can try some of these tips to help you sleep and rest so that you are energized and keep up with the pace of your life.

Listening to relaxing music

Listening to calming music before bed can help you fall asleep. A 2005 study found that people who listen to 45 minutes of soft melodies before going to bed experience a 35% improvement in sleep problems.

Warm milk

Milk to get to sleep.

The New York Times reported that milk and other high protein foods block the sleep-inducing effects of tryptophan.

However, there might be psychological benefit from lukewarm milk to help fall asleep. Some studies show that when babies are given lukewarm milk before bed, they sleep a little longer.

Imagine a relaxing scene

Relax to find sleep.

If your goal is to get bored in order to fall asleep, you can try counting sheep, counting backwards from threes to threes, or some other combination.

However, a 2002 study found that imagining a relaxing scene might be more effective.

This study observed 41 people with insomnia for several nights after asking them to try a variety of techniques to fall asleep, such as counting sheep.

When told to imagine relaxing scenes like a beach, a massage, or a walk in the woods, these people fell asleep an average of 20 minutes earlier.

Breathing exercises

Concentrating on the breath can also have effects similar to meditation when lying down, such as reducing the heart rate.

Hot bath

Body temperature drops about two hours before going to bed, a phenomenon triggered by the brain to prepare for sleep.

Hot water baths temporarily raise the temperature, subsequently causing rapid cooling which relaxes and facilitates sleep.

Avoid alcohol

Many people want a drink in order to relax at the end of the day, but alcohol before bed can interrupt sleep because it is processed by the liver and this process takes about two hours.

It is therefore recommended not to take alcohol before going to bed.

Getting out of bed to fall asleep

Getting out of bed to sleep.

How can you fall asleep if you are not in bed? When a person stays in bed and cannot sleep, the bedroom can cause anxiety.

So if after 15 or 20 minutes you can’t get to sleep, the best thing to do is get up and sit in another room of the house until you feel slightly drowsy. .

At that point, you can go back to bed.

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