Tips For Controlling Laziness And Being More Active

To avoid greater ailments, such as suffering from depression, it is important to know how to control your laziness and to always be able to see the good side of things.

Lying on the bed or on the sofa all weekend can be good if you are very tired or need a vacation. However, the problem arises when the desire to sleep or do nothing is greater than any activity or obligation.

According to the Dictionary of the Spanish Language (Diccionario de la lengua española), laziness is the equivalent of “neglect, asthenia, boredom or carelessness when it comes to carrying out activities.” In the Catholic religion, laziness is considered a capital sin, because it leads to other sins. Finally, laziness is an obstacle that prevents us from reaching goals and being successful.

What causes laziness?

Lazy man

Roughly speaking, laziness does not help us with our daily tasks. Everything we do seems complicated to us, requires a lot of effort and additional learning.

As this Psychology Today post explains , laziness turns a simple activity into something arduous – that is, it totally changes our perception of life.

In addition, it causes us to distract from what is important, eliminates focus on its goals and takes away from successful personal development.

The steps to overcome physical and mental laziness

A lazy person is not a person who thinks little, but a person who finds it difficult to concentrate on what pleases him.

Someone who suffers from physical laziness does not spend all day sleeping, but may have a daily life that requires very little movement. If this sounds like you, pay attention to the following tips.

Become aware of your condition

The first thing to do is to accept that you are lazy. Once that is done, the job is much easier to do.

If you often repeat phrases like “I work so hard that I am exhausted”, “I don’t want anything”, “I am tired of trying to do things when nothing is working out”, it means that you are about to pass on the side of laziness.

It’s not a big deal, but be careful. It is good to do an inner analysis to determine what is preventing you from carrying out a particular activity.

Think about where the problem is. Maybe you are overloaded with obligations and your body and brain have told you “stop”.

Look for the positive side of things

Having a sense of humor and seeing the glass “half full” is vital to putting laziness aside.

It’s true that sometimes bad news, problems, or workloads take away the urge to do things. However, nothing and no one should stop you.

Find the bright side of things and even the funny side of things. For example, if you have a lot of work, think of all those people who don’t have a job. If you find it difficult to go out to play sports, remember that you are in good health and have the potential to challenge yourself etc.

Change your thoughts

Visualization technique can help overcome laziness
Visualization exercises are ideal exercises for calming the mind, relieving stress, and clarifying thoughts.

All the negative and demotivating sentences that you say will not help you, and even do quite the opposite. Remember that the mind takes everything literally. If you repeat once and then again that you are tired or need a rest, your body will act in this direction. And you will be sleepy all the time!

Conversely, if your thoughts say something like “even though I’m tired, I’ll move on”, you won’t need tons of coffee or energy drinks to get the strength you need to get it all done. what you need to do in your program.

Practice a hobby

It’s easy to feel exhausted with the thousands of tasks we have to do every day. Often times, we need that dose of happiness that fills the emotional void and helps us feel more energized, despite our eyes drooping with fatigue.

How to overcome laziness? Watching television for hours is not the correct answer. How do you feel about going for a walk in the park, playing with your kids, or planning your next vacation ?

You can choose to leave your home or not, to be alone or accompanied… The important thing is to have fun! It’s great for your body and your mind.

Organize yourself well

Laziness can be due to several issues. For example, the fact that you are not very organized. Maybe you demand too much of yourself and can’t do everything you set yourself to do?

Or maybe you have too many distractions or are taking too long to start your work day?

You can focus on finishing anything you’re late, and set aside your last minutes of the day to chat with your coworkers.

Do not abuse coffee breaks: it is better to be efficient in your work. This has many benefits!

It’s all about the habit. Not just in the office, but also at home. Instead of staying all weekend in bed, take the opportunity to walk around. Take the opportunity to do what, due to lack of time, you cannot do from Monday to Friday!


Woman sleeping

It may seem a little surprising… But it is necessary! Yes, because to overcome laziness, you need to be as rested as possible.

If you sleep well every night, you are less likely to fall asleep in the middle of the day or desperately wanting to go to bed as soon as you get home.

Get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night and you will find that you will have the energy to do all your scheduled activities… and even more!

Remember to always go to bed at the same time and get up at approximately the same time each day. In no time, you will no longer need an alarm clock.

In conclusion, we recommend that you analyze the benefits of eliminating laziness from your life and, if necessary, encouraging yourself as soon as you do something that has cost you a lot in terms of effort.

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