Tips And Remedies To Reduce Your Double Chin

Remember that all massages with these products should be done in an upward fashion, from the inside out to firm the area.

As time goes by, our bodies change. We are less hydrated, we have less collagen, our skin loses its elasticity and becomes a little more flabby. The loss of tone mainly affects our neck, and more particularly the double chin, which acquires an unsightly flaccidity.

How to mitigate it? Don’t worry, today we are bringing you some simple remedies to improve its appearance!

Experts attribute this loss of firmness to a drop in collagen production. The skin cells feel it, but there is nothing they can do about free radicals.

But very often, we can compensate for the lack of certain elements in our body by drawing them from our food, resources which are within everyone’s reach and which can do us a lot of good. Do you want to know them?

Remedies to reduce sagging skin on the neck

Massages with castor oil against the double chin

Castor oil against the double chin.

  • Castor oil is a very suitable remedy in a case like this. Its composition based on essential fatty acids keeps the skin’s natural moisture, giving it more elasticity and hydration, while having a repairing effect and keeping it soft and clean. It’s perfect against the double chin.
  • For an effective massage, mix a spoonful of castor oil with a spoonful of olive oil in a small cup, and put some of this mixture in the palms of your hands. Using firm, upward movements, massage from the base of the neck to the chin for at least fifteen minutes.
    Then soak a small towel in hot water and after wringing it out, apply it to your neck for five minutes. The steam penetrates the oil into the skin which takes full advantage of its benefits. Do this in the evening!

Good hydration

Water against the double chin.

  • You all know it: drinking enough water is good. But you really need to be aware of this fact, because hydrating your body well equals maintaining healthy, wrinkle-free skin.
    An internal balance is reflected in the outward appearance, so remember to drink at least two liters of water per day.

Avoid exposing yourself too much to the sun

Sun and double chin.

  • The sun is necessary for our health, it is it for example that allows us to synthesize vitamin D. But we must remain cautious and protect ourselves by applying sunscreens, wearing sunglasses, etc.
    The neck is particularly sensitive to the action of the sun’s rays which can cause premature aging, so it is best to cover it with a scarf or avoid exposure at times when the sun is strongest.

Eat well

Carrot juice against the double chin.

Eating a diet rich in antioxidants, beta-carotenes and vitamins A, C and E is essential to have healthy skin, to prevent it from becoming flabby and to allow it to fight against free radicals.

It is essential that you have a good fruit juice for breakfast. The most suitable are beetroot, apple, carrot, orange, mango and strawberry. All of them are excellent for health and keep us well hydrated. The vitamins and minerals they contain help us keep skin young!

An avocado and grape mask

Mask against the double chin.

  • A reaffirming mask rich in antioxidants that slows down aging. The combination of avocado and grape juice is excellent for our skin because it brings freshness, hydration and minerals.
    To take advantage of these benefits, you only need to take the flesh of half an avocado and add 5 grapes to it. Mix them or squeeze them with a fork, the goal being to obtain a paste thick enough that you can apply on your neck.
  • To do this, sit on your sofa, apply this mask and leave it on for twenty minutes. If you do this every day, you will see how your skin gradually becomes firmer!

Double chin reaffirming oatmeal cream

Double chin cream.

  • Oats are a very old remedy that is used to repair the skin and provide it with the essential fatty acids we need in this sensitive area of ​​the neck. Where the first symptoms of sagging skin usually appear, such as a double chin.
  • To prepare it, take half a cup of oats, half a glass of warm milk and a teaspoon of rosehip oil. Mix them to obtain a homogeneous paste that you will apply on your neck.
  • If you have trouble spreading it, lie down and place a towel over your cleavage so you don’t get stained. Try to keep this mask on for 15 or 20 minutes, and then wash off well with cool water.

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