The Health Benefits Of Art

Remember that art has been a means of expression since the dawn of time. Art has allowed humans to explore themselves and convey what they feel in an obvious way.

Do you know the health benefits of art? The art has been shown to be a beneficial practice in reducing stress and delaying memory loss. You don’t need to have an innate talent. We can all create and benefit from it.

It has often been found that music stimulates the development of the fetus in the womb and that painting improves cognitive ability in children. Therefore, many have come to the conclusion that art has healing properties in humans. The point is, the relationship between art and wellness is nothing new. So what are you waiting for to test its benefits?

The different art forms

1. Architecture

A very common form of expression that we observe all around us. It is found in the construction of structures such as buildings, housing, cultural centers and many more.

This science is responsible for designing, evaluating and building structures that mark milestones over time. And many of them reflect the culture and customs of the time.

2. Visual arts

They encompass several techniques such as painting, sculpture, drawing and printmaking. Photography, film and television are also part of this group. This form of visual expression, and particularly the plastic arts, can be created by children from an early age.

3. The music

the art of music

Music is the art of making a set of sounds become orderly and harmonious, and therefore enjoyable. This union will take shape through the rhythm and the melody offered by the own human voice and the instruments.

The manifestations of this art can be very varied and contain several combinations. There is even a kind of therapy based on this art called music therapy.

4. Literature

Literature is a form of art expression that uses language as a mode of expression. In general, it is believed that literature, in itself, brings together the different forms in which human language manifests itself, in a specific form: prose or verse. We can therefore find: novels, biographies, poems, among other genres.

5. The performing arts

theater art

The performing arts include cinema, also known as “the seventh art”, television, dance and theater. They represent a kind of channel that allows literary stories to be relived, fictional or not.

People benefit from this art form because it allows them to participate actively (as actors, for example) but also to have fun. However, spectators can also be entertained by observing and analyzing.

The health benefits of art

1. It stimulates creativity

Although it is not always visible at first glance, when we contemplate a work of art, we observe it and analyze it, to try to understand its message. We therefore increase our decision-making capacity, which will greatly facilitate our things when it comes to resolving a conflict. It is also closely related to creativity and imagination.

When we analyze a work of art, we need to let our imagination run free, therefore it stimulates our mind and strengthens our intellect. In other words, the imagination allows us to have a greater capacity for appreciating reality.

2. It improves self-esteem

The second benefit of art on health is the improvement of its own perception in different facets, but especially on the intangible level (whether spiritual or mental). We congratulate ourselves, for example, for having done it, if we are the creators, and for having noticed it, if we are spectators.

Creating a work of art helps to have good self-esteem. Because it helps us to have sufficient perspective in front of reality and to know how to take advantage of it. On the other hand, knowing how to appreciate it also causes a certain personal satisfaction.

3. It gives rise to greater sensitivity and reduces anxiety and stress

Another health benefit of art is that it offers greater sensitivity. This results in an increase in emotional intelligence and a higher degree of empathy. Through art, we can communicate with others in a more close, conscious, and even loving way.

On the other hand, different artistic activities have been shown to help reduce anxiety and stress levels in people. Which is also possible thanks to the distraction they provide. Indeed, we enter a state of relaxation which allows to release the accumulated tensions.

4. It improves memory and increases concentration

Among the health benefits of art, we also find improved memory and increased concentration. At first, the different artistic manifestations allow us to concentrate, which optimizes attention when carrying out tasks. Remember that the analysis of a work requires a certain concentration to be able to reflect on it.

Having said that, art also improves memory. As well if we are creators as if we are simple spectators. When we remember a work, we bring up various details and we reconstruct part of what we feel. We appreciate the colors, the characters, the depth, the smells and we experience the encounter with the work.

In conclusion, in times of stress, art will help you get away from it all. In addition, as you have been able to verify, it is a pleasant activity which has a positive influence on your quality of life.

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