The Best Herbal Teas For Regulating Nervousness And Anxiety

If you are taking medical treatment for anxiety, it is best to consult a specialist before consuming these remedies so as not to suffer any effects unwanted.

Sometimes life pulls us through its difficulties, challenges and pressures. This causes nervousness and anxiety, our body’s reactions to stimulants that the brain calls threatening.

While it is obvious that moderate and controlled stress and anxiety help us cope better with daily difficulties, when these problems are too excessive, they affect the body and psychological balance.

If you feel like you are losing control and are suffering from tachycardia, nausea, and poor digestion, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor.

Professional help is always essential in these cases.

During this time, it is possible to follow these natural home remedies: infusions help improve these states of nervousness and anxiety. 

We invite you to take notes.

White hawthorn to calm nervousness and anxiety

If white hawthorn is good for anything, it’s good for regulating blood pressure: it relaxes, improves blood circulation and optimizes the rhythm of our heart so that blood circulates throughout the body.

It is excellent for mild anxiety or on days when we are very stressed.


  • Experts in natural plants tell us that it is best to take it as a tincture. You can find it in stores like herbalists and in general it is very effective.
  • White hawthorn tinctures are taken dissolved in natural juice or in water (1 glass of water with 2 drops of tincture).
  • Only one intake per day.

White hawthorn contraindications

  • If you are already taking medicines for arrhythmia or high blood pressure, white hawthorn should not be used.
  • If you are pregnant, that is not good either.
  • It is also not recommended to abuse  tinctures: they contain alcohol and can cause secondary problems. 

Lemon balm infusion for better sleepnervousness anxiety

Lemon balm is one of the most famous plants thanks to its relaxing action, to relieve moderate states of stress, insomnia or anxiety.

In addition, lemon balm also has anti-spasmodic effects, that is, it helps relieve muscle tension and reduce nervousness that concentrates on the stomach.


  • You can take two glasses of lemon balm infusion each day. One of them right before sleeping is ideal.
  • To prepare this infusion, simply heat a glass of water (200 ml) and add a spoonful (5 g) of lemon balm. Don’t forget to sweeten with honey.

Contraindications of lemon balm

  • If you are pregnant, it is best not to consume this type of natural infusion without first consulting your doctor.
  • Never take lemon balm or relaxing herbs if you need to do activities that require optimal attention, such as driving or using machinery.

Basil for stomach nerves

Often times, nervousness and anxiety almost always focus on our “second brain” – the stomach.

You might be surprised by this infusion of basil, as you surely consider it an aromatic herb for dishes.

Basil and its essential oil are however very relaxing, relieve stomach pain and improve digestion. Do not hesitate to prepare a cup of infusion after each meal.


Just infuse a spoonful of basil in a glass of water. Leave on the heat for 10 minutes, and let sit for another 10 minutes. If you sweeten with honey, you will see that you will get good results.

Contraindications of basil

  • If you are suffering from gastritis or Crohn’s disease, it is best not to consume basil since these essential oils have negative effects on these conditions.
  • Also, do not take more than one glass per day and do not prolong the treatment for more than 10 days. It is best to take basil at specific times, when nervousness builds up in the stomach (and it is not due to gastritis).

The infusion of lime blossom dailynervousness anxiety

The infusion of lime blossom is exceptional for these states of nerves and moderate or occasional anxiety. It calms stress, stomach discomfort, promotes rest, relieves headaches, has a pleasant taste and moreover, takes care of our respiratory health.


  • The infusion of lime blossom has very few side effects. We can therefore take up to 3 cups per day, as soon as we need it. It can even become the natural drink to take every day.
  • Just boil the glass of water and add a spoonful of lime. Always sweeten with honey to stimulate the sedative and therapeutic action, and you will find that you will feel calm and rested.

Contraindications of lime

As we told you, lime is a plant that has almost no side effects.

However, if you are pregnant or taking medication for cardiovascular problems, it is best to consult your doctor first. 

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