The Best Diet For Healthy Weight Gain

Good nutrition is the key to healthy weight gain. Although the process is a bit slow, it has many benefits for the figure and health.

Thin people who want to gain weight can face a lot of difficulties. Although it is believed that it is easy to gain pounds, for some people it is a complex and slow process in which several habits must be combined.

The diet, which is one of the essential aspects, must contain a variety of foods of high nutritional quality. While there are fewer restrictions than in weight loss plans,  it’s not just about overeating.

Achieving an ideal weight is not the exclusive need of obese or overweight people; being below a normal weight  carries a series of risks to health and quality of life.

What to eat to gain weight? What should you consider in order to gain muscle mass and not fat? In this article, we will give information that allows us to solve these questions.

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What diet to follow to achieve a healthy weight?

diet to gain weight

The diet to gain weight  can vary depending on the needs of each person. Ideally, visit a nutrition professional, as they will take into account relevant aspects such as state of health, current type of diet, and lifestyle.

It should be noted that the rate of weight gain is much slower and  therefore requires the same or more patience as when dieting for weight loss. Thus, the results depend on the effort and discipline with which this challenge is taken on.

Tips for gaining weight successfully

  • Calorie intake should be greater than energy expenditure, i.e.  around 400 or 500 extra calories
  • The diet should be rich in protein sources and complex carbohydrates
  • The consumption of foods rich in saturated fat and sugars should be controlled. This is because these can increase the percentage of fat, but not muscle mass.
  • Include foods with “healthy” or unsaturated fats
  • Ensure proper hydration  to maintain optimal energy and metabolic state
  • Eat breakfast every day and don’t skip a single main meal
  • Support the effects of diet with a strength training routine focused on building muscle mass

Recommended foods for weight gain

There are a wide variety of healthy foods that  can help you build muscle for healthy weight gain. The best options are those that provide high biological value protein, as well as complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

These foods are also categorized as “high energy density” because they  contain a large amount of calories relative to their weight.

The recommended ones are:

  • Whole grains: brown rice, oats, rye, pasta, etc.
  • Meat: chicken, turkey, veal, lamb, etc.
  • Vegetables: lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.
  • Dehydrated fruits: grapes, dates, plums, peaches, etc.
  • Nuts: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc.
  • Fats and oils: extra virgin olive oil, sunflower or avocado
  • High fat dairy products: whole milk, cheese, cream, yogurt
  • Tubers: sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc.
  • Plant milks: coconut, almonds, oats
  • Fish and seafood: salmon, sardines, trout, shrimp, etc.
  • Fruits and vegetables: all varieties

Example diet to gain weight

diet to gain weight

The menus for gaining weight are very varied and may include any of the foods mentioned. The important thing is to create combination dishes, which meet the caloric and, in addition, nutritional needs.

In the rest of this article, we share with you  an example diet for those who want to gain weight. It’s a basic plan that can be used as a template for creating the menus for the week. Of course, it is also possible to modify it according to specific needs or preferences.

Breakfast options

  • Three eggs seasoned to your liking, two tablespoons of whole grain of your choice, half an avocado and a cup of tea or coffee
  • A glass of whole milk and a serving of whole wheat bread with cream cheese and avocado
  • A bowl of oatmeal with fruit, eggs prepared to your taste, a serving of bread and coffee with milk

Lunch options

  • One portion of fish, half a plate of brown rice, one portion of mixed salad and a baked potato
  • A plate of spaghetti with vegetables, grilled breast and baked potatoes
  • A bowl of chicken broth, a serving of brown rice, a breast or roast beef and a salad

Dinner options

  • A bowl of lentil salad with boiled egg and smoked salmon
  • A cooked chicken fillet and sautéed vegetables
  • A plate of vegetable broth with chicken and potatoes

Morning and afternoon snacks

  • A glass of milk or yogurt
  • A bowl of fruit with oatmeal
  • A cup of oatmeal with milk
  • A handful of nuts or dehydrated fruit
  • A glass of orange juice and a sandwich

Gaining weight is a slow task that can have its ups and downs; however, opting for a good diet and, in addition, regular physical exercise can give very satisfying results. So give it a try and take advantage of our tips!

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