The Best Diet For Diabetics

It is very important that diabetic patients follow a balanced diet in order to avoid possible complications resulting from their disease. They should also participate in regular physical activity to take care of their general health.

On the one hand, diabetics with sugar should improve their diet. Indeed, it must become an integral part of their treatment, in order to keep blood sugar levels under control.

While it is also important to change many other lifestyle habits, diet plays a vital role. Both to cope with the disease and to avoid complications.

This therefore means eating foods of high nutritional quality, in moderate portions, while respecting as much as possible the usual schedules of each meal.

While there can be variations based on weight, age, and other possible health conditions, it is usually a matter of moderating calories, while also respecting the body’s nutritional needs.

But what should and should not be eaten by a diabetic patient? What are the main recommendations? Knowing that this question raises many doubts, we will in this article share with you the most relevant aspects.

What are the diet goals for diabetics?

First of all, people with diabetes or pre-diabetes should adopt a specific diet to control high glucose levels and related symptoms.

The diet plan should be based on a combination of healthy foods packed with nutrients that benefit various aspects of health.

Among the main objectives are the following:

  • Control high blood sugar levels
  • Maintain a balanced weight
  • Avoid cardiovascular complications
  • Reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Maintain good kidney function
  • Stimulate the activity of the nervous system

What are the benefits of adopting a special diet for diabetics?

First, patients facing this chronic disease can suffer many consequences when they do not take the necessary steps to cope with the effects it has on the whole body.

That is why, by improving everything related to nutrition, we obtain a series of advantages that allow us to guarantee a better quality of life, even if the problem has no definitive cure.

In other words, a strict diet promotes blood sugar control, optimizes the production and use of insulin, and thus regulates blood flow in the event of associated complications.

Thanks to this, you will get advantages such as:

  • First, stable blood pressure
  • Prevention of visual difficulties
  • Then, fatigue management
  • Physical and mental well-being
  • Finally, maintaining a healthy weight

What foods should a diabetic diet contain?

foods for diabetics

  • A diabetic diet is based on three main meals a day, at regular times. This is because it allows the body to make better use of the insulin it produces or receives through drugs.

In addition, doctors often recommend a visit to a nutritionist. Precisely because each case can evolve differently, but there are some basic recommendations in general.

1. Healthy carbohydrates

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole seeds
  • Legumes (beans, lentils or peas)
  • Low fat dairy products

2. Dietary fiber

  • Whole wheat flour or wheat bran
  • Dried fruits
  • Green vegetables and fruits
  • Oats

3. Healthy fatty acids

  • Fatty fish
  • Seeds and dried fruits
  • Lawyer
  • Olive oil and rapeseed oil

4. Proteins

  • Legumes
  • Eggs
  • Lean meats (chicken or turkey)
  • Skimmed or low fat dairy products
  • Fish and seafood

What foods should a diabetic patient avoid?


Either way, diabetes increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and a variety of other life-threatening chronic diseases.

That is why, in addition to eating healthy foods, it is essential to eliminate or limit the intake of certain foods that can be harmful.

1. Saturated fat

  • Beef
  • Delicatessen
  • Pork bacon
  • Chips
  • Refined vegetable oils

2. Trans fats

  • Industrial drinks
  • Industrial bakery products and pastries
  • Margarine

3. Cholesterol

  • Dairy products and animal proteins (in excess)
  • Egg yolks
  • Fast food
  • Desserts and pastries

4. Sodium

  • Refined table salt
  • Canned or industrial products

5. Sugars

  • Added sugar
  • Sweets and desserts
  • Bakery products
  • Industrial cereals

Tips for improving the diet of diabetics

In addition, regardless of the diet recommended by the nutritionist, there are some general tips to improve its effects on the body.

  • First, increase the power frequency. That is, instead of having three large meals, eat five to six smaller portions.
  • Then, establish a fixed schedule for each meal.
  • Establish a fixed schedule for taking medication.
  • Then, get regular physical exercise.
  • Finally, watch your carbohydrate intake.
  • And suppress the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Finally, eating healthy can be a challenge for people who have recently been diagnosed with diabetes. However, it is the best way to deal with the disease.

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