The Benefits Of Pulses And Tips For Better Digesting Them

If we wait for the vegetables to start their germination process before consuming them, they will be more nutritious. In order to avoid gas problems, it is recommended to eat them mashed, and not to combine them with other foods.

Pulses are very nutritious and economical foods. They provide us with a large amount of healthy protein and are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Even though they have a reputation for making you fat or not being easy to digest, here we are going to tell you about their benefits and who are the ones who should consume them.

We will also share with you some tips for eating and digesting them better.

The benefits of pulses

  • They are very nutritious and rich in carbohydrates. They therefore provide a lot of energy.
  • These are foods that provide great satiety. They are recommended in slimming diets.
  • They are rich in proteins and are therefore essential during the stages of growth, for athletes, for pregnant women etc.

They don’t contain as much protein as foods of animal origin. But they are much healthier and more digestible.

  • Give large amounts of fiber, are necessary to fight against constipation. They also regulate the levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
  • Rich in minerals like iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and potassium.
  • They contain group B vitamins, which help regulate the nervous system and prevent states of stress, anxiety or depression.
  • Eliminate excess fluids from our body.
  • They reduce the risk of contracting coronary heart disease.
  • Economic and traditional foods.
  • Thanks to their excellent nutritional values, we should consume them at least once a week. In the case of a vegan or vegetarian diet, it will be necessary to increase the quantities.

For people who suffer from uric acid or have a tendency to suffer from gout attacks, it is necessary to control their consumption or consult their family doctor beforehand.

Note on soybeans

Soybeans are pulses that have become very popular over the past few decades.

However, more and more studies show that it is not that beneficial for your health. It can even be harmful in some cases, in addition to being transgenic.

This is why we always recommend, as far as possible, to eat other pulses. Of course, preferably organic or from trusted cultures.

Tips for digesting pulses well

  • Soak the vegetables for a whole day. Then, if you have time, it is possible to leave them one more day in the open but humid air so that they begin their germination process (the roots appear). They will thus be even more nutritious and digestible. If you let them sprout, they will be even better in salads or as a garnish.
  • Cook the pulses and when the water begins to boil, turn off the heat. Discard the water and cook again.
  • Add cumin and / or fennel to the cooking water to avoid possible gas.
  • To soften the pulses more easily, also add a piece of kombu seaweed when cooking. You can also eat it.


Following tips

  • For people who tend to suffer from gas, especially  because of poor chewing of food, it is recommended to continue to consume pulses but differently. You can for example eat them mashed, creamed, or in a vegetable burger.

Another option is vegetable pâtés, such as hummus, a Moroccan recipe, or surprising cakes with pulses, which replace flour.

  • In many cases, the problem of gas does not come from pulses but occurs because of bad associations with other foods, which cause digestive discomfort.

This is why it is advisable to eat pulses with vegetables only (vegetables, salads or vegetable juice) and if we tolerate them, add a little whole grains (such as rice, oats, millet or quinoa).

  • It should not be forgotten that pulses are not only eaten hot in stews but they can also be prepared cold in salads, especially in summer, with arugula, grated carrots, hard-boiled eggs, chopped onion thinly, mayonnaise etc.
  • It is recommended to finish the meal with a digestive infusion, such as chamomile, anise, cinnamon, ginger or pennyroyal to facilitate the digestion process.

Avoid desserts and sweet and sour fruits, which help ferment food in our stomachs and cause gas.

Images of beautifulcataya, escarole and carmer.

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