The Benefits Of Fruit Sauce For Babies

Breast milk is essential for a baby, but other foods such as fruit compotes have many benefits for them as well. Find out here how to make fruit compotes for your baby. Get started!

Breast milk is the staple food of your baby’s diet, and it should never be replaced by any other food. However, you can supplement their diet with fruit compotes for babies.

Compotes provide different nutrients that will help your little one’s development.

The benefits of fruit compotes 

Along with vegetables, fruits take second place in the food pyramid. These foods are essential for  good health.

One of the greatest benefits of fruit compotes for babies is their high water content of up to 95%.

Fruit compotes also contain plant fibers that help regulate the baby’s intestinal transit. The infant has extremely variable intestinal transit.

And even as a child, changes can occur. Although all fruits have similar nutritional values, some fruits increase stool consistency, and others have the opposite effect.

Fruits also contain vitamins, minerals, simple carbohydrates, and no fat. Thus, giving fruit to her baby will allow her to have more energy.

What’s more, it will get him used to eating healthy options, rather than foods high in artificial sugars and fats.

Fruit compotes provide antioxidants and micronutrients that prevent certain diseases, such as obesity, constipation problems, cancer and cardiovascular problems.

Introducing fruit compotes into a baby’s diet

As a first step, offer your baby fruit compotes in small doses, so that he becomes familiar with the compotes, that he accepts them and tolerates them with milk.

It is important that you keep in mind that while your baby consumes compotes without any difficulty, they should not be used as a substitute for breast milk.

Fruit compotes are simply a dietary supplement to breast milk. When your baby can tolerate the texture, gradually increase the doses of the fruit compotes.

Fruits that babies can eat according to age

benefits of fruit compotes for babies

Even if from 6 months, your baby can consume fruit compotes, know that some fruits are more recommended than others, because they can promote the appearance of allergies.

This is why you must introduce fruit into your baby’s diet gradually and gradually: you will be able to assess your baby’s degree of tolerance to different fruit compotes.

Find out here which fruits you can give to your little one according to his age.

At 6 months

Melon, grapes (skinless and seedless), plum, banana, pear, apple, kiwi, watermelon, papaya and mango.

From 6 months

When it comes to citrus fruits such as orange or tangerine, some doctors recommend introducing them from 6 months old. Others, on the other hand, suggest that it is best to wait until the baby’s 12 months to avoid possible allergies to these fruits.

At 12 months

The most recommended fruits for children who are one year old are peach, apricots, medlars, among others.

From 12 months 

Some pediatricians recommend including berries in the diet of babies from twelve months old. Others, on the other hand, consider that these fruits contain too many allergens, and therefore it is better to wait until the fifteenth month.

From 24 months

From the age of two, it is recommended to introduce dried fruits to your baby.

How to prepare fruit compotes for babies 

  • When choosing a fruit, make sure it is as ripe as possible. Avoid buying green fruit.
  • Wash the fruit well.
  • You have to peel them, cut them into small pieces, and remove the seeds and pits.
  • Cook the fruit, either with steam or with boiled water.
  • Once the fruit is cooked, put it in a blender to obtain a texture without lumps.
  • Put the preparation in a dish, then let cool before feeding your baby.
  • Avoid adding sugar: the sugar of a ripe fruit is enough. It is not recommended to get your baby used to sweet tastes: this bad habit could cause him to develop overweight and obesity problems later on.
  • You can mix different fruits together to let your baby taste different flavors.

2 fruit compote recipes for babies

Recipe 1: mango-apple compote

Mango and apple compote


  • 1 peeled mango
  • 1 peeled apple

The preparation

  • Wash the fruits well, then cut them into small pieces.
  • Cook the apple and mango in a saucepan for two minutes, until the fruit has a tender texture.
  • Pass the mixture in a blender until you get a soft texture.
  • Put the preparation on a plate, then let cool before serving it to your baby.

Recipe 2: banana-pear-apple compote


  • Apple (1/4)
  • Pear (1/4)
  • 1 Banana
  • 1/2 glass of water

The preparation

  • Peel the fruit, then cut them into small pieces.
  • Cook the apple and pear together for fifteen minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the fire.
  • In a container, put the apple, pear and banana together.
  • Add the water, then mash the fruit until there are no more lumps.

If your pediatrician allows it, you can add 1/2 glass of cereal to introduce more carbohydrates in your baby’s diet.

You will quickly realize the benefits of fruit compotes for babies!

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