The Benefits Of Dance Therapy

The practice of dance therapy can be practiced at any age and helps us to improve our interpersonal relationships while optimizing our cardiovascular health.

Dancing has been the best way to have fun for many years. And to release energy while playing sports. In addition, dance therapy is one of the funniest therapies around.

On the other hand, we all know that dancing is equated with body language.

Indeed, during the practice of it, freedom is felt in the depths of our being, the soul is relieved of sadness and regrets. There is nothing better than enjoying this moment, alone, in a group or in the company of a loved one in our hearts. Today we are talking to you about dance therapy.

Dance therapy therefore consists of the use of dance for therapeutic purposes. From the creative expression of the body, the establishment of positive thoughts is encouraged and blood circulation is promoted.

Thus, the health benefits encompass both physical and emotional health.

  • The dance is the rhythmic movement characteristic of each practitioner of it, and not a simple routine imposed by a trainer.
  • It thus integrates different disciplines related to bodily expression, such as theater, psychomotricity, staging, choreographic composition and most remarkable of all, music therapy.

Another advantage is that there is no age limit for practicing dance as therapy. It can be used by children, young people and adults as well as people with special needs.

The principle of dance therapy

dance therapy

  • The main idea is the conscious promotion of mental and bodily well-being. What makes it such a promising therapy is that each movement adapts to the rhythm, possibilities and abilities of each individual.
  • In the case of patients with mobility problems, it helps to develop several levels of psychomotor coordination. Thanks to this, it can be seen that body patterns are more easily achieved, and that a gradual discovery of rhythm is achieved.
  • The goal of dance therapy for young people is to stimulate creativity and intelligence. It allows them to become aware of their own body, their personal space and their limits and capacities.
  • When practiced by groups of adults, more general goals are achieved. However, individual goals are also possible, such as personal growth and performance optimization through emotional unblocking.
  • One of the benefits in older people is energy gain, which connects them with positivism and the desire to live.

As if that weren’t enough, memory and recollections are also activated  through this therapy. Continuous practice stimulates coordination of movements and prevents falls.

Axes and benefits of dance therapy

  • Dance
  • Simulation
  • Creativity and improvisation
  • Initiative

benefits of dance therapy

Among the benefits of dance therapy we can find:

  • It improves posture and promotes mental lucidity.
  • The capacity of the rib cage increases so that the breathing is deeper.
  • It improves flexibility, exercises the joints and makes you more agile.
  • It accentuates reflexes, which increases the speed of the physical and mental response.
  • It’s a great way to combat stress, balance the mind, and bring it to a peaceful state.
  • It considerably improves psychomotor skills in children and promotes harmony, as well as the search for solutions to conflict situations.
  • It involves memorizing the perception of movements. With an understanding of our own space and that of others.

Through rhythmic movement, accompanied by pleasant auditory stimuli such as music, the brain makes various synaptic paths. In this way, he describes new paths. This therefore triggers the development of new ideas. And new possibilities in solving difficulties.

Thus, a clear sensory enrichment is highlighted.

Dance promotes freedom of expression, the deployment of feelings and ideas. We can also see changes in positive emotions, as well as the abandonment of social phobia or the feeling of isolation.

Dancing frees the mind to such an extent that it has an impact on performance at work. It should therefore be mentioned that its practice encourages initiative and inventiveness, skills highly appreciated at the professional level.

Likewise, it unblocks family ties and strengthens friendships, while increasing the self-esteem and personal security of the individual.

In conclusion, dance therapy stimulates the movement of positive energy, fills you with hope and thus allows you to live with more love and balance.

Dancing is therefore the best option to find the right balance between an active and peaceful life.

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