The 6 Most Toxin-Loaded Foods

Did you know that some foods are heavily loaded with toxins? If you didn’t know, we are giving you a list of the 6 foods that are the worst for your body.

Fish, red meats and dairy products are the foods most loaded with toxins. This is why it is better to control their consumption and take other healthier habits.

Every day,  our bodies absorb thousands of toxins from the foods we eat. They can be added chemicals, toxins that are natural or have been altered in some way.

Having large amounts of toxins in our body can cause:

  • Digestive problems and constipation
  • An alteration of the intestinal flora
  • A disruption of the immune system
  • Water retention
  • Insomnia
  • Poor absorption of nutrients

And, although we can’t do anything about it, we can control it by eating foods that contain less of it.

The most toxin-laden foods

As we explained to you before, these foods that you will see below are loaded with toxins. However, that does not mean that they are bad or that you should stop consuming them.

You just have to consume them more moderately.

It is important to know that if you have a diet loaded with toxins, it should be balanced with exercise, fruits and vegetables which help detoxify your body and maintain the balance of nutrients.

1. Meat

Meat is one of the foods loaded with toxins because of the amount of hormones it contains, as well as other substances like clenbuterol and benzopyrene.

These additives have been proven to be carcinogenic, which is why they increase the likelihood of suffering from leukemia and stomach tumors.

2. Tuna

foods most loaded with toxins: tuna

Although it is delicious and healthy, studies have shown that it also contains large doses of mercury. These can degenerate the nervous system, especially in pregnant babies.

One of the reasons it contains so many toxins is its poor refrigeration and storage.

3. Milk

Mainly cow and whole milk. During pasteurization and the entire process it goes through, milk stores a considerable amount of toxins.

Dairy products, even if they are pasteurized, contain around 60 hormones, dioxins and antibiotics which could therefore promote the development of cancer.

4. Corn

foods most loaded with toxins: corn

Corn is the second most mercury-containing food, after seafood.

  • It has been shown that when cut and not dried properly, corn becomes contaminated with aflatoxin.
  • This set of chemical compounds, mainly derived from fungi, are largely responsible for cancer and undernutrition in people.

5. Cheese, eggs and dairy products

It is exactly the same as for cow’s milk.

Products derived from milk contain the same toxins as the raw material and may even contain more of them due to other processes to which they are subjected.

Those on this list are mostly the highest in fat, such as ricotta or cheddar cheese.

6. Canned foods

foods most loaded with toxins: canned foods

Canned foods have always been one of the most toxin-laden foods due to the chemicals used to preserve them.

  • Lately, studies have been done to prove that cans, or at least the majority of them, are coated with bisphenol.
  • This substance is known to develop diabetes and obesity.

Avoid and eliminate the accumulation of toxins

It is certain that there are many other foods besides the ones we mentioned above that are loaded with toxins. However, there is also another long list of foods that serve to eliminate them and also help detoxify the body.

Among the most recommended we find, among others:

  • Apples
  • Cress
  • Onion
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon
  • Grapes

It is  recommended to include them at every meal in order to create a balance between the foods.

Avoid overeating

Whether it’s healthy foods or junk food, overeating is also very harmful to our liver, kidneys and intestines.

By eating too much, we double our body work. It is therefore more difficult for it to eliminate toxins and therefore interferes with digestion.

Control the salt

most toxin-laden foods: control salt

Salt is dangerous for the kidneys, which is why it is recommended to eat foods low in salt and in small portions.

The sport

Sport is also an excellent method of eliminating toxins, through perspiration. Walk or jog for at least 30 minutes a day. It will also help you stay fit and healthy.

Avoid constipation

It is also a way to get rid of a lot of toxins in the body. If you suffer from constipation, do not hesitate to play sports, consume fiber and also drink plenty of water to regulate this problem.

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