The 5 Things You Must Not Put On Your Bed

We must avoid using the bedroom for purposes other than sleeping because otherwise our brain will associate the bed with other activities and will not rest.

Your bed is a place of relaxation and rest after you have finished your daily activities.

With restful sleep, we can prepare our bodies both physically and mentally for a new day.

It has been verified that sleep plays a fundamental role in health because when we sleep, our body activates a series of processes to restore the body’s cells and optimize each of its functions.

Thus, when we suffer from a sleep disorder, we develop various pathologies which significantly reduce our quality of life.

Although there are many factors that can cause sleep disturbances, the condition of the bed, as well as the objects on it, can be related to these disturbances.

This is why today, we are going to share with you essential information on the objects that must imperatively be outside the room, to guarantee a restful and complete sleep.

1. The cell phone on your bed

With the invasion of technology, most people today have a smartphone that they can take anywhere.

These devices have created endless possibilities for work and play, which has led to a certain addiction to these devices.

The main problem is that many users develop sleep disorders due to excessive use of their cell phone before going to sleep.

Indeed, some remain connected for hours on social networks and other websites. Which reduces their sleep time.

In addition, it has been verified that the light emitted by these devices excites the brain and impairs the production of melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone.

2. The laptop

Laptops have made work easier for millions of people who today can do their business at home and even from their bedrooms.

The downside is that some have turned their sleeping space into a workspace. And they don’t realize that this weakens the mental association between bedroom and sleep.

In addition, many people believe that it is a good way to work and to work “overtime”, thus reducing their sleep time.

3. Foods on your bed

Eating food in bed is an unhygienic habit, which creates the perfect environment for bacteria and mites to thrive.

Although it is nice to have breakfast or dinner in the bedroom, it is obvious that some residue falls into the bed and turns into a hotbed of bad smells and microorganisms.

4. Pets

People who have pets often sleep before them. Without realizing the serious mistake they are making.

In their coats, pets have dust, microorganisms, pollen and many other particles, which can cause allergies and reactions on the skin.

In addition, they tend to make sounds and make movements. That will end up interrupting your sleep during the night.

5. The TV remote control on your bed

The TV remote control on your bed.

Most of the modern rooms have their own TV. Because many people enjoy watching their favorite show right before bed.

All these devices have an automatic remote control that allows you to program the time they will stay on. So that they don’t get in the way at night.

The problem is that watching TV before sleeping can alter melatonin production, which leads to serious difficulties in getting to sleep and getting enough sleep.

This is why it is always advisable to program automatic sleep at least 30 minutes before bedtime. And if possible, move the remote control away from the bed. So that the temptation to turn on the television is not present.

You now know that all of these things can have an influence on your difficulty sleeping.

Maybe now is the time to start making some changes in your bedroom. So that it becomes a space devoted solely to rest.

It is essential to think about the importance of a good quality of sleep, to enjoy a great physical and emotional state.

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