The 4 Most Common Mistakes In Dating

Although each person expresses their love differently, affection doesn’t just show up in words.

Today in this article we are going to see the little mistakes that can put distance in a couple.

Throughout our life and affective cycle, we get to know ourselves better. We also draw conclusions from our mistakes and these barriers, which we sometimes put on ourselves, or which we impose in our relationship to be happy.

It is not easy to identify them. We sometimes act wrong, because instead of bringing affection and respect, we bring doubt and infidelity.

1. To love is not only to say “I love you”

It is certain that you have already lived a serene couple relationship, in which however one “I love you” is missing per day. However, while he can comfort you, words are not the only way to express affection.

  • Each person expresses their love in their own way.

Some are more expressive, others are more closed, but show their affection in a way that you must succeed in understanding. Those who express themselves less do not necessarily like less. All aspects of a person must be taken into account.

Some people expect almost constant attention from you: kisses, hugs, hugs… But we don’t all have the same needs, and you may not be able to give them that dose of affection. It doesn’t mean you like it less.

  • Love is also expressed through the eyes, or when the person is there when you need them.

In that daily smile, in that unconditional support, or in the admiration that they have for you, a person can express their affection to you.It is clear that sometimes we would like our partner to be a little more expressive, that they tells us what he needs every day.

But what is really important is that when he does, however insufficient it may seem to you, you perceive absolute sincerity.

  • Actions also demonstrate the love that a person can have for us.

Judge people by their actions,  not by their words. Words can take the form of lies, or can be used to exaggerate, and make things bigger. It is harder to lie in what you say than in what you do.

Value the way your partner treats you, how he takes care of you, how he respects you. This is where real love is.

If you are one of those people who require daily expressiveness, and you think your partner “loves you less than you love him”, talk to him or her. Tell him your needs.

2. To love does not mean to give everything, without receiving anything in return

most frequent errors in the couple: giving everything without receiving

This is one of the very common mistakes in the couple. Some people think that loving someone means giving them everything, sacrificing everything unconditionally, and without any limits. But be careful:

  • You have to love with wisdom and balance.

Treat yourself freely to one person, knowing that you will be a “team”. You offer and she offers. It enriches you and you enrich it. You form, thanks to your maturity and your individuality, a single entity within which you grow together every day.

If you give everything to the other person, there will come a time when you will feel completely empty, but also very frustrated. You will find that, without knowing how, you have built a wall around you that completely locks you in, and that you have no escape.

Waiting for the other person to do things for you  doesn’t mean being selfish. Being in a relationship is about taking care of each other and bringing joy to each other. In both ways.

3. Express yourself

If something bothers me, I shut up and wait for the other to realize their mistake

No one is a diviner. One of the mistakes, in which the couple fall regularly, is to think that when something hurts us, or bothers us, our partner will notice it.

This is why, sometimes, instead of speaking out loud about what concerns us, we opt for silence, even for anger. We ignore the other, we try to get his attention and we end up blaming him for a lot of things.

This strategy is one of the big mistakes in the couple.  If something is hurting you, don’t shut up. Most importantly, don’t go throwing spikes at your partner until he realizes something. You will then fall into a vicious circle, which will be meaningless.

Be assertive.

  • Speak up, if something is on your mind,.
  • Say out loud, if something is hurting you,.
  • Ask for it, if you need anything,.

You will live for years with your partner, so you must succeed in achieving a relationship of dialogue and compromise, which is not a battleground.

4. Don’t build your whole universe around your partner

Let’s take an example. You started your relationship as a couple very young. Your entire world is centered around one and the same person, which can be a good thing because that is the person you have chosen to spend the rest of your life with.

But, also take into account the following aspects:

  • You must continue to flourish as a person.  It means that you have to keep on learning, on experimenting. Don’t let go of your studies, your friends and your job.
  • A couple relationship is very important. But, the other areas of our life are just as important.

Professional training, a group of friends, a personal space are all things that allow you to enrich yourself as a person. This wealth brings you personal esteem, and more security.

A person who has self-esteem, and who feels safe, brings more joy and maturity to a relationship.

If you focus exclusively on your relationship, and if you do not pay attention to your professional and personal development, you will feel frustrated and you will accuse your partner of this misfortune.

Grow as a person, and don’t make these mistakes within your relationship.  In this way, you will find true happiness without any hindrance in your life. The game is worth the candle!

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