Speed ​​up Your Metabolism To Lose Weight Easily

While cumin helps to activate the metabolism, participates in the elimination of fat and is ideal for thinning the waist, cinnamon in turn facilitates digestion, decreases appetite as well as anxiety related to food intake.

Metabolism is a series of chemical reactions by which the energies that we consume through food are transformed into a kind of fuel. It is they themselves that allow every cell and organ in our body to function properly. Having an “active” metabolism promotes weight loss. This is because it allows our body to efficiently burn the calories we consume. Speed ​​up your metabolism with our slimming tips!

People who eat little, or lead a sedentary lifestyle tend to have a slower metabolism. But also, those who consume unhealthy foods or suffer from health problems, such as thyroid problems. This prevents the body from properly eliminating sugars and fats. But still, it prevents it from eliminating the calories that accumulate in the body. All this forms fat, cellulite and thus more weight. The good news is, we can activate the metabolism and start shedding extra pounds! How? ‘Or’ What? Quite simply, by changing our lifestyle a little and following certain advice.

Have good eating habits to speed up the metabolism

Most people who gain weight have poor eating habits. It is obvious that foods with a high content of fat and sugar make you fat in a short time. But beyond these types of foods, there are other habits that affect weight gain and how well the metabolism works.

First of all, it should be realized that breakfast plays an important role in the functioning of the metabolism. Lots of people make the big mistake of skipping breakfast. Usually for lack of time or because they think it’s a good way to lose weight. The truth is, breakfast is one of the most important meals. Indeed, it helps to activate the metabolism so that it works properly during the day. 

The importance of a good breakfast

You have to eat breakfast to speed up the metabolism and lose weight. It is always said that this is the most important meal and it is the truth. When we eat breakfast, our metabolism kicks in and starts burning calories as early in the day as possible. But it also causes a feeling of fullness, which will prevent anxiety attacks. In order not to lose its beneficial effects , it is very important to have breakfast at most one hour after getting up.

A good breakfast should include protein like eggs, antioxidants like fruit, and high levels of fiber like whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Eat several times a day

The other key to using food to speed up your metabolism is to eat healthy at least 5 times a day. This method has been verified: when we eat little, our body goes into a state of alert as a defense mechanism. It then stores the greatest amount of calories possible in return for the absence of food. Eating in small portions makes our metabolism constantly working while the nutrients are being processed.

Exercise regularly

Having a good exercise routine is the key to maintaining good health, speeding up metabolism, and losing weight. As in this case the goal is to speed up the metabolism, it is very important to combine cardiovascular exercise and resistance exercise. Like, for example, those we do with dumbbells or machines in the gym.

Studies have shown that dedicating at least 40 minutes a day to exercise is the key to speeding up metabolism.

Drinking more water speeds up the metabolism

Getting well hydrated also helps speed up metabolism. Drinking plenty of water is ideal for cleaning and eliminating toxins from the body, thus preventing the accumulation of fat. According to research on this topic, drinking water can increase your metabolic rate by 30% over the next hour, burning 24 calories.

Eat more spicy foods

Spicy dishes generate greater energy expenditure simply by causing a heat effect. Energy combustion is then accelerated and acts as a “fat burner” in the digestion process. Start adding more spices to your dishes, such as curry, cayenne pepper, black pepper, cumin or turmeric, among others.

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