Sometimes What Starts Out As Simple Madness Becomes The Best Thing In Your Life

It is common that when something new begins in our life we ​​watch it with suspicion. Yet sometimes we have to step outside of our comfort zone to find happiness.

We are sure that in your life you have started a lot of things thinking they weren’t worth it. That it wasn’t serious or, even worse, it was sheer madness.

Because what we start is sometimes so crazy that we have no choice but to let ourselves go and see where it takes us.

Whether you believe it or not, this is where the magic of being human lies. In being able to open up to new experiences in order to learn from them. Then discover that this is where our happiness lies, our balance.

So tell us… when was the last time you let yourself be carried away by the joy of living. By this madness that seizes us and leads us to do things we never thought we would do? We invite you to think about this.

What we start without knowing, what we start with madness and daydreaming

For example: starting a relationship with someone who seems completely opposite to us, to all of our tastes. Someone who has a different character, yet is similar in terms of emotions, affects and insanity. These are the most intense and wonderful moments.

Happiness hides in the most unsuspected corners, with the most unexpected people and at the most amazing times. Each person has their own story which is interspersed with these types of moments.

However, there are several things we need to know. Because many people are reluctant to “let themselves be carried away”. To take advantage of these types of moments which appear at certain moments in our life and which require a series of skills.

We will explain everything to you.

The importance of letting yourself be carried away by madness

The importance of letting yourself be carried away by madness

On this site, we tell you from time to time about the concept of “flow”. It means letting go, letting yourself be carried away by the course of life. It allows us to always be “present” and aware of everything that is happening and it is undoubtedly a way to find our happiness.

  • Sometimes, a chance, an unexpected circumstance that we let slip away because we do not dare or because we do not have confidence makes us regret the next day, because we did not know how to take advantage of these moments.
  • It is not at all about acting without thinking. To do anything without safeguarding our emotional or physical integrity. It’s just about being receptive, and above all, intuitive.

Because there are jumps into the void that are worth experiencing (of course, with a parachute).

To be carried away, it is, above all, to have confidence in oneself. Understand that to achieve our well-being, we need a good dose of courage and a pinch of madness. 

‘Cause we never know where certain paths will lead us

No one knows for sure and precisely which paths to take. Who are the best people to avoid and which doors are best to open.

  • Since nothing is certain and everything can be possible in this world… Why not dare?

In reality, our lives, our identities and our personal cards are woven together with the choices we make, the mistakes we make and the opportunities we seize.

  • We must not forget that the best paths are always found beyond this comfort zone. The one in which we settle, where we come to terms with our routine and our unhappiness.
  • If you notice that everything is happening to you today is not making you happy, don’t hesitate to step beyond that comfortable zone where you are in control but nothing satisfies you.
  • What is beyond the comfort zone can scare us. It can put us to the test and it can even seem completely crazy to us. But sometimes all of these new emotions are the best medicine.

What starts out as madness and spreads throughout our being

What starts out as madness and spreads throughout our being

Let’s take an example: someone offers you to do something: a dessert, a dress, a photo, the organization of a party… You do it and everyone greets the result, to the point that you are told that you should make it your job.

  • There are times in life when we start things without giving them an extreme importance but in a short time we realize that it is ultimately not madness, nor stupidity.

In fact, it might even be the best thing we’ve experienced so far. 

For these things to happen, it is necessary that we are attentive and have confidence in our instincts. This is where our best value is, that of personal safety.

Never forget it.

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