Some Tips For Better Rest

The key to better rest is to respect the number of hours needed for restful sleep. This is why it is essential to avoid all disruptive elements.

Sleeping can become a problematic activity if we are not getting quality sleep. This is why we invite you here to discover some tips for better resting.

Here you will find out how to make the most of the hours of sleep to be filled with energy and vitality during the day.

It is fundamental to find the position that best suits our needs and to know what factors prevent us from sleeping well.

Better rest: the importance of sleeping well

the importance of better rest

Sleep allows us to regain the energy we need to face each day. Enjoying a good quality of sleep is therefore essential: sleep charges our body’s batteries.

The vitality with which we face the day as well as our physical and mental performance depends on the quality of our sleep.

Our mind is faster and more lucid when we have had a good sleep  : stress and anxiety decrease when our mind is not overloaded with thoughts.

For these reasons, it is necessary to learn how to disconnect properly. It’s not about fun or laziness, it’s about health: sleeping well is just as important as breathing and eating well.

When we sleep an average of seven hours:

  • cells are oxygenated again and regenerate 
  • the eyes recover from the amount of light they receive during the day 
  • we promote better control of diseases, such as diabetes or hypertension
  • the body secretes melatonin and growth hormone
  • we take care of our heart
  • we improve physical coordination

Better rest: factors to take into account

In reality, there is no one exact formula that works for everyone. It is therefore up to each of us to identify our needs to optimize our restful sleep.

We all have rituals and quirks for finding the position in which we feel most comfortable.

It is also important to choose a mattress that suits our needs. Choosing the most comfortable mattress and position depends on our physical condition.

When it comes to pillows, some prefer hard pillows, others like to have a cushion between the legs.

  • Nasal congestion. If you have difficulty breathing well due to nasal congestion, large cushions should be used to prevent the body from being completely horizontal.
  •  Gastric reflux. The horizontal position can cause stomach acids to flow up into the esophagus and cause a burning sensation and a dry cough. It is then advisable to elevate the front part of the bed and sleep on the left side.
  • Back pain. To relieve the lower back during the night, a cushion should be placed under the legs. Whether you sleep on your stomach or on your side, a cushion under the knees redistributes weight and thus helps you sleep better.

Better rest: dinner influences the quality of our sleep

eating light meals in the evening to sleep better

The food we eat during dinner affects the quality of our sleep. It is essential to choose light foods and eat early, that is, several hours before going to bed.

So prefer cooked rather than raw vegetables, lean proteins and a small amount of healthy fats (eggs, blue fish, avocado, dried fruits, etc.).

Exciting foods should be avoided. This is the case with soft drinks, coffee, chocolate and some herbal teas (tea, mate).

When the evening meal is large, the body tends to store and convert to fat throughout the meal. A large meal then harms the liver and makes the stomach work by creating a feeling of heaviness.

Better rest: bad habits to correct

There are many bad habits that prevent us from getting a good, restful sleep.

Light, electronic devices, temperature are some examples of factors that disrupt our sleep.

  • Windows should not let in light so as not to be awakened by daylight.
  • Using electronic devices with a screen at night is a bad habit that is best avoided in order to fall asleep more easily.
  • The bedroom should be well ventilated and warm.
  • The light and soft tones soothe the view and bring peace and tranquility. Conversely, red and orange, for example, are too energetic colors.
  • Prefer a minimalist, tidy and clean room with a well-made bed and scented linens. A visually pleasing bedroom promotes restful sleep.

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