She Overcomes Cancer At Age 3 But Not Bullying

Bethany’s case shows that the wounds of bullying can run much deeper than cancer and its after-effects.

One of the worst fears that parents have is that their child will get cancer. Treatments, side effects, after effects. Everything is scary, and not just the risk of death. Harassment can also cause their death.

Despite everything, more and more children with cancer are showing us that they have the strength to overcome it.

However, there are other things that can destroy them, and to a greater extent. As is the case with Bethany.

This 11-year-old girl decided to kill herself after enduring years of bullying at school. People who abuse are always on the lookout. They search for the loophole to begin their attack and Bethany has proven to be the perfect victim.

Her triumph over the cancer she contracted at age 3 left a mark on her. Her mouth was a little more crooked than normal.

That was enough for some of these classmates to start laughing at her mercilessly.

She supported him as best she could, she informed her parents and the school. But despite his efforts and those of his parents, nothing has changed. Nothing, until she decides to kill herself.

Bethany and her friend denounced school bullying with signs

Overcoming such a serious illness at such an early age leaves its mark.

Every day, every second is a struggle against death, and you learn very quickly to look life in the face.

So, tired of resisting taunts from other children, she turned to her best friend for help. They used signs that said “friends, not abusers” for the college administration to listen to them once and for all.

Management could not deny the problem, since it was evidently shown. The answer was clear: there is nothing we can do. 

This latest action was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Bethany’s parents, who knew about the problem. They contacted the college. So that the management realizes its responsibility for the well-being of their daughter.

But it was not enough. The management of the center confirms this. According to them, before this last day of protest by the young girl and her friend, this problem was constant and they had never known how to manage it.

They would never have imagined the pain the school harassers were inflicting on Bethany.

So, seeing that her case was being ignored, she went home with her decision surely already made. She knew her stepfather kept a gun and used it to take his own life.

The bullying was harder than the operations, the chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions and that crooked smile that was able to fill with life to overcome a brain tumor.

Confusion in the face of attacks from his friends, the loneliness that college inflicted on him and the failings of a whole system that allows abuse destroyed his life drive.

School bullying: a growing problem

According to statistics from the NGO Save the Children, in Spain 9.3% of children claim to have suffered from this problem, while 6.9% of cyber-harassment is recorded.

This situation should lead us to this question: where is the flaw?

In a world where children and adolescents have unimaginable access to information, it is amazing how victims still have the same profile. They are those which do not follow the rules of normality, which do not fit into the norm.

Teachers and professors say that for them it is impossible to educate with overcrowded classrooms. With an increase in their bureaucratic obligations and with ever more demanding families, but absent.

Parents’ working conditions and hours are almost incompatible with providing children with a solid base of values. For their part, the teachers do not have this function and do not have the possibility or the time to endorse it.

Maybe it’s time to change that, as well as listen to stalkers.

What goes on in the mind of a 10 year old child that makes life impossible for another child? Why does he need to assert himself by crushing others? Wouldn’t stalkers suffer from inner anger and aggression?

You cannot solve a problem by ignoring its origin. 

Perhaps if you pay more attention to this and a system where school and family can play their respective roles articulates, a comprehensive care program can emerge and end a scourge that may be more violent. than cancer.

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