Say No To Gastric Acidity!

To avoid consuming too many antacids or similar drugs, we can include alkalizing foods in our diet, which aid digestion and neutralize the acids in the stomach.

Gastric acidity is not really a disease in its own right. But it is considered to be a very troublesome digestive imbalance that can worsen and lead to other diseases over time, due to the altered pH.

We will discuss in this article the different causes that cause this acidity and the natural remedies that can cure it!

Causes of gastric acidity

Gastric acidity is usually caused by:

  • A poor diet or an excess of acidifying foods
  • Frequent consumption of medicines such as aspirin, ibuprofen or contraceptives.
  • Bad habits
  • The stress
  • Slow digestion


Many people use antacids and sodium bicarbonate to treat their acidity. But you should know that these treatments cure gastric acidity temporarily, but without curing it. On the contrary, these antacids end up altering the stomach and causing other diseases afterwards!

Bad foods

The following foods should be avoided as much as possible, especially in the event of a hyperacidity crisis:

  • Dairy products
  • Sugar
  • Fried
  • Refined products
  • Industrial pastry
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Mate
  • Spices like cinnamon, cloves, ginger and pepper
  • Tobacco

grapes against gastric acidity

The right foods against acidity

On the other hand, there are plenty of tranquilizing foods that aid digestion and act as natural antacids:

  • Lemon:  Lemon has the ability to neutralize acids once they reach the stomach. This is why it is recommended to consume it regularly mixed with water or juice.
  • Potato:  it is a natural anti-acid, and its juice works perfectly to counter heartburn.
  • Millet:  Millet is the only tranquilizing cereal. This is why it is usually eaten more than other grains such as rice or wheat.
  • Pineapple:  it facilitates digestion thanks to its proteolytic enzymes. But you still have to mix it with carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, etc.). Ideal as a dessert after eating vegetables, meat or fish.
  • Cabbage:  it helps heal ulcers. But many people find it difficult to digest it if it is raw. It is eaten cooked with a pinch of cumin, or raw but soaked with a vinaigrette or sauerkraut.
  • Grapes:  this is one of the most alkaline fruits, but it would be better to consume it organic, given the many pesticides it contains.
  • Celery:  celery is a cleanser and a calming agent. It is added to broths, soups or even salads.

These foods, however, cause acidity in some people. This is why it will be necessary to eliminate them from his diet if this is the case.

Potato, cabbage and carrot remedy

You can eat only 3 vegetables (potato, cabbage and carrots) for 3 days, or even add another vegetable if you want. Regarding the consumption of potatoes, it can be done in several forms: boiled, in the oven or in soup.

cabbage against gastric acidity

Potato and olive oil juice

In the past, a novena (9 days) was made by taking a juice prepared from a quarter of a large potato, raw and well washed (approximately ¼ or 1/3 of a glass), peeled and mixed. with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

This anti-inflammatory and calming remedy is very effective and can cure our acidity in less than 9 days!

Raw potato juice is easy to prepare at home, but you can also get it at health food stores.

 Clay water

This is another natural anti-acid that we can consume to relieve our ailments. It can be found on sale in health food shops or in a herbalist’s shop.

Just mix a teaspoon of clay in water and stir everything with a wooden spoon. After ten minutes, stir again, then drink the mixture!

Baking soda water

One of the ways to remove acidity from our body is by drinking and bathing in bicarbonate thermal waters.  In this regard, you should know that each seaside resort has its own characteristics relating to the nature of its water, and some of them are precisely baking soda.

On the other hand, seawater also has a tranquilizing effect and is a good alternative.

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