Respiratory Health During COVID-19

Respiratory health care during COVID-19 is essential to enable us to weather this pandemic in the best possible way. The coronavirus is a virus that attacks the lungs, so it is essential that we protect these organs.

SARS-CoV-2 is the coronavirus that is causing the current pandemic. As it is a virus that primarily affects the lungs, respiratory health care during COVID-19 has become the focal point of medicine.

We know that this virus enters the body through respiratory droplets expelled by an infected person. In these droplets, having the effect of an aerosol, the coronavirus travels to lodge in the airways of another host. Or to stay on a surface that we can touch and then get infected.

Once inside the airways, SARS-CoV-2 travels to the alveoli in the lung. Where it causes the most damage. It causes inflammation and the symptoms we know: fever, cough, shortness of breath and fatigue.

Respiratory health during COVID-19 is a pillar of prevention, because not everyone suffers from the infection in the same way. Some people suffer from severe forms of lung disease that require them to be admitted to intensive care. If the aid measures fail, they should be put on a life support device.

Risk groups for these severe forms include patients with chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthmatics, and those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smokers can also be included among the most vulnerable.

The respiratory health of COPD patients during COVID-19

COPD is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It includes diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and atelectasis. All have in common the bronchial obstruction to the passage of air.

A patient with COPD is usually treated with drugs that help open the bronchi. These drugs are sometimes needed on a daily basis, and sometimes only during acute attacks. The most severe cases require home oxygen, to be used for much of the day or only at night.

As it is logical to assume, such a patient is vulnerable in this pandemic. An infection with SARS-CoV-2 can mean an exacerbation of his condition and a real risk of needing to be hospitalized.

The respiratory health of COPD patients during COVID-19 is now of greater importance. If the coronavirus settles on already damaged lung tissue, it can cause more damage than expected.

In the event of hospitalization and the need for respiratory support, patients with COPD are at a great disadvantage. Their bronchi are reactive and allow less air to pass, which reduces the availability of oxygen.

This at-risk group must be very careful with their habits. They should not stop taking their medication without consulting their doctor, let alone respect social distances.

Faced with the appearance of symptoms, it is necessary to consult immediately, through the means provided by the local government, avoiding going to a medical appointment without having previously received advice through telemedicine.

A woman taking care of her respiratory health with Ventolin

The danger of tobacco during the pandemic

Tobacco is a very potent poisonous agent that has functions totally contrary to what we might say as respiratory health. It is able to affect the cleaning mechanism possessed by the cells of the lining of the respiratory system, which decreases the natural defenses.

The experience gained during the H1N1 influenza pandemic has made it possible to conduct scientific studies to assess the effect of tobacco on patients who smoke. It was found that there is a strong association between smoking and the risk of getting the flu.

For this coronavirus pandemic, we must therefore start from the same principle. Smokers should reduce their consumption or take the opportunity to quit smoking. While confinement can be stressful and encourage greater use, the individual’s attitude to resist the temptation to smoke will be critical.

A woman smoking, which impacts her respiratory health

Respiratory tract diseases that are not caused by the coronavirus

Although it seems that the disease of COVID-19 is the only one currently in force, we must remember that other pathologies, including respiratory ones, still exist. People continue to suffer from colds, sinusitis, acute bronchitis, and nasal allergies.

If in doubt, it is important to see a doctor to differentiate the symptoms. Self-medication is also not recommended at this time. Even less with the drugs that we kept at home for other previous clinical settings.

We need to be alert to what will happen once the containment restrictions are lifted. When we start to circulate with relative normality again, all respiratory ailments will circulate with us.

We will have to integrate good hygiene practices so that they become a habit : washing your hands, covering yourself with the bend of the elbow when you cough, keeping your distance if you have symptoms.

Respiratory health during COVID-19 requires commitment

We repeat during this pandemic that care is everyone’s responsibility. The same is true for respiratory health in this time of COVID-19. Not only the COPD patient, but the entire community must be involved. Because vulnerable groups depend on others to prevent their contagion.

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