Reduce Fructose To Lose Weight More Easily

Since not all fruits have the same amount of fructose, if our goal is to lose weight, we should choose those that contain the least amount.

When we read articles that tell us about how to lose weight easily, we are faced with endless different theories.

Some talk about counting calories while others blame fat as the biggest culprit in being overweight. There are also reviews of sugar and refined carbohydrates.

If none of these theories convinced you or worked, here we are talking about the importance of cutting down on foods high in fructose for weight loss.

An infinity of theories without results

What happens with people who try different types of diets to lose weight?

Count calories

This trend is on the decline as nutritionists agree that calories affect our bodies differently depending on the food we eat.

That is, 100 calories from a cucumber are different from the 100 calories from an industrial pastry.

Reduce fat

It’s the same as with calories, but on top of that, our bodies need the right fats to function properly.

We should not eliminate from our diet dried fruits, first cold pressed oils (olive, coconut, sesame, flax), avocados, seeds, egg yolks etc.

Eliminate sugar

On eliminating sugar, the majority of dieticians have agreed, as have those who support healthy eating.

However, this may not be enough to lose weight.

Eliminate refined carbohydrates

Bread, pastries, cookies, pizzas etc. One of the most effective diets is to eliminate these products from our diet.

However, the solution is not to overdo animal protein, as this will produce the rebound effect and cause damage to our body.

Who is this theory designed for?

The Fructose Theory is intended for people who:
  • Have tried many diets before that either did not work and eventually gained weight back.
  • Have difficulty losing weight.
  • Eat a lot of fruit.
  • Want to lose weight in a healthy way, without having to count calories or remove fat from their diet.

What is Fructose

What is Fructose

Fructose is the sugar found in fruits and honey, just like in some vegetables in small amounts.

Fructose is also present, along with glucose, in white sugar and in corn and wheat syrups with which many pastries, jams, etc. have sugar.

Some recent studies are analyzing the negative effects of fructose on metabolic health.

It is also being studied to be linked to high levels of triglycerides in the blood, the accumulation of abdominal fat and obesity in general, among many other health problems.

However, many people have reduced their sugar intake and unknowingly ingest large amounts of fructose daily. This could be one of the reasons why they are not losing weight and are not in better health.

What foods are high in fructose?

Foods high in fructose.

To follow this healthy way to lose weight, we recommend that you completely eliminate the following foods high in fructose:

  • Bottled drinks or bottled fruit juices
  • Sweet and creamy coffee drinks, such as smoothie
  • Sweet breakfast cereals
  • Cakes, cookies, pies
  • Sweetened ice cream and yoghurt
  • Jams, sauces and fruit in syrup
  • Honey and syrups
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Whole wheat bread
 On the other hand, we recommend reducing as much as possible these fruits which also contain high levels of fructose (the list goes from the highest level of fructose to the lowest level).
  • Raisin, Medjoul dates and dried figs
  • Mango and papaya
  • Grape
  • Pear and apple
  • Watermelon
  • Khaki
  • Blueberries
  • Banana
  • Peaches
  • Pineapple

Low fructose fruits

But aren’t the fruits healthy? It is certain that fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals.

However, if what we want is to lose weight and we can’t do it by trying several kinds of diets, we recommend that you try this low fructose diet.

We can eat the following fruits (the list goes from the lowest fructose to the highest):

  • Lemon and lime
  • Currant
  • Apricots
  • Guava
  • Noor dates
  • Melon
  • Kiwi
  • Mure
  • Cherry

Instead of drinking even homemade fruit juices, we recommend making smoothies, in which we can combine a green vegetable with one of those low fructose fruits.

  • Freeman CR., Zehra A., Ramirez V., Wiers CE., Et al., Impact of sugar on the body, brain, and behavior. Front Biosci, 2018. 23: 2255-2266.
  • Scnabel L., Kesse Guyot E., Alles B., Touvier M., et al., Association between ultraprocessed food consumption and risk of mortality among middle aged adults in France. JAMA, 2019. 179 (4): 490-498.
  • Hannou SA., Haslam DE., McKeown NM., Herman MA., Fructose metabolism and metabolic disease. J Clin Invest, 2018. 128 (2): 545-555.

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