Recommendations For Relieving Arthritis

To relieve excessive pressure in the joints, it is fundamental that we maintain an appropriate weight. We can do gentle exercises, always within the limits of our abilities.

Arthritis is a chronic disease for which the only possible solution, and only in some cases, is surgery.

Today we want to offer you a series of tips to prevent the onset of this disease, but also to relieve pain in order to avoid surgery.

Arthritis falls into different categories  and each category has different symptoms. So here are the types of arthritis that you may encounter. 

The most common types of arthritis

Arthritis is one of the most common diseases in the world.  A few million people suffer from it, more than half of whom are over 65 years old.


Osteoarthritis, or osteoarthritis, is a very common type of arthritis in older people, and occurs when the cartilage begins to wear down and break down.

The most common symptoms of this disease are numbness and pain that appears when the person tries to exert themselves, such as walking or bending down, even if it is to sit and rest.

Rheumatoid arthritis

rheumatoid arthritis (1)

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, where our own body attacks the tissues in the joints, as if it wanted to protect us from disease or injury.

This disease not only destroys the joints, but can also cause problems with the heart, muscles, blood vessels, nervous system and eyes.


Gout is considered to be one of the most painful forms of arthritis; it appears when uric acid crystals accumulate in ligaments and joint cavities.

These deposits tend to create inflammation, heating, pain and stiffness in the joints.

Alarm signals

  • Relentless pain in the joints
  • Inflammation of the joints,
  • Hardening of the joints, lack of flexibility,
  • Tenderness and pain when touching the joints,
  • Problems using and moving the joints normally,
  • Warming up of the joints,

Specific treatments for arthritis


There are certain medications that can help you control arthritis pain. The doctor can also prescribe moderate intensity exercises, so as not to traumatize the joints, and rest to gain mobility.

It is also recommended to keep a stable weight so as not to add load on the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis

With proper treatment, you can control the disease and prevent its progression, but be aware that currently, no real cure exists to completely eliminate arthritis.

If you follow the correct medical treatment prescribed by your doctor, you will be able to move around more easily and with less pain.

But keep in mind that this disease is autoimmune, meaning that you can still have seizures from time to time that can be controlled with medication.



If you have a gout attack, you should talk to your doctor so that he can prescribe a treatment that will prevent you from having other attacks in the future.

In addition, in order to control your uric acid levels, it is important to eat a healthy diet.

The use of corticosteroids such as prednisone or colchine are the most common treatments for gout.

Treatments or general advice for arthritis

Losing weight

It is true that this element comes up often in our articles, but weight loss is essential to treat the pain and the evolution of osteoarthritis.

The best way to relieve pressure on your joints is to lose weight, which will benefit your knees, feet, hips and spine especially.

Exercise regularly

Another way to help the joints is exercise.

In fact, sedentarism is bad for these autoimmune diseases, so  exercise is recommended for people with arthritis, as is sport guided by a physiotherapist to make the right movements.

Avoid violent exercise

Above all, you should avoid exercises that are violent and require too much effort on your joints.

Indeed, this type of activity is not suitable for people over 50 years old. They can have a little more damage to the joints and thus make arthritis worse.

Moderate exercise is therefore the most suitable for this type of disease. 

Do yoga

This practice is very interesting for people with osteoarthritis.

Indeed, this type of activity assisted by an instructor (in group lessons for example) can allow you to gain flexibility, mobility and muscle strengthening.

Avoid Weight Lifting Prevent Arthritis

It is also necessary to limit the weight so as not to worsen the condition of the joints.

Also, we recommend that you use tools that can help you lift weights while limiting your efforts. 

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