Morning Drink To Lower Your Triglyceride Level. Spectacular!

It is necessary to control our triglyceride level in order to be healthy.

To regulate triglyceride levels and keep them under control, you need to eat better to get the right nutrients.

Unlike what some people believe, cholesterol and triglycerides are not the same thing.

These two substances belong to the lipid group, but in reality only triglycerides are genuine fats.

The two elements must be kept within an appropriate limit. In the case of triglycerides, for example, it is recommended to be careful not to exceed 150 mg / dl.

If you want to know which substance is the most harmful to our health, know that both cholesterol and triglycerides can cause serious complications if we exceed the thresholds considered healthy.

It is therefore “vital” that we become fully aware of this on a daily basis. No matter how old we are: a good diet and an active lifestyle will help us keep both cholesterol and triglycerides under control.

However, it is important to know that triglycerides rise as we gain weight or if we ingest too many calories.

So that’s why we want to tell you about a simple proposition: start including this spectacular drink in your breakfasts and gradually reduce your high triglyceride levels.

It’s easy, economical and very healthy.

The best foods to lower your triglycerides

Triglycerides are the end product of the digestion and breakdown of fat in food.

This is information to remember because while some of these fats will be used for energy, another will be stored dangerously in our abdomen.

  • When we talk about cholesterol and triglycerides, we almost automatically mean people who are already adults. However, one should also take care of these health indicators in children.
  • Nowadays, many children suffer from obesity and high levels of triglycerides. But that does not mean that these children “eat a lot”.

Rather, it is about the fact that they “eat badly”. Something that adults are guilty of as well.

This is why we must focus our food plan not on the total reduction of food, but on a better diet, in a conscious, varied and balanced way.

Now we tell you which foods can help you take better care of yourself in the morning.

Spinach, great for lowering triglycerides

  • Spinach contains a high amount of lutein, a type of pigment from the carotenoid family that helps care for the heart.
  • Lutein acts as a “moisturizer” for the arteries: this component prevents the arteries from hardening and will remove from the walls the stuck fat from cholesterol and triglycerides.

Apples, a miraculous fruit

Nothing better than starting the day with an apple. If you don’t have a lot of time to sit down and enjoy it, include it in this wonderful smoothie to benefit from its virtues.

  • Apples help us reduce the level of fat in the blood from triglycerides.
  • The pectin and the polyphenols present especially in the skin of apples allow us to improve the metabolism of fats.
  • In turn, this fruit helps reduce the production of a series of inflammatory molecules present in various cardiovascular diseases.

Oats for your heartOats for lowering triglyceride levels

Oats are the best grain you can eat to lower your triglyceride level. Thanks to its beta-glucan and its mucilages, excess fat is released directly through the fecal matter.

In this way, it will allow you to feel fuller and more energized to start the day.

Lemon, the miraculous fruit

 In our space, we often tell you about the benefits of lemon for your health. And did you know how effective lemon is at lowering high triglyceride level?

  • Thanks to its antioxidants and vitamins, we can increase the burning of fat to prevent them from piling up in our body.
  • At least the juice of half a lemon should be consumed every day.

Natural drink to reduce the level of triglycerides

Spinach smoothie


  • Cup of fresh spinach (30 g)
  • 1 apple
  • Tablespoon of oats (10 g)
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice (50 ml)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • First we will wash well spinach and an apple. We will include it with the skin. We will cut it into four pieces. Then remove the seeds from the center.
  • In the blender, you will only have to add the apple pieces, the spinach, the lemon juice, the tablespoon of oats and the glass of water.
  • Mix until you obtain a very homogeneous drink.

Serve it in your favorite glass and always consume it in the morning, with breakfast. If you take it at least three times a week and you have a suitable diet, you will have good results in your next tests.

  • Delarue, J., Allain, G., & Guillerm, S. (2006). Metabolic syndrome. Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism .
  • Gillet, B., Bléneau, S., & Beloeil, J.-C. (1998). Characterization of phospholipids and triglycerides by NMR. Analusis Magazine .
  • Legrand, P. (2007). Fatty Acids: Structures, Functions, Recommended Nutritional Contributions. Nutrition and Dietetic Notebooks .

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