Maternity Leave, Or Why Should We Value Mothers Who Have Given Birth

Do you know what maternity leave is? This is a benefit for all women going to give birth, before and after childbirth.

In the past, women about to give birth did not benefit from any special treatment or special working conditions during their pregnancy. They simply gave birth and gradually reintegrated into their daily lives. Maternity leave is not a right that many women around the world know.

Today, the condition of women has changed. This means that they rarely devote themselves solely to household chores. Women of the 21st century generally have busy lives. It is good to have an active professional role, but you should take into account that overwork can complicate the development of your pregnancy.

Maternity leave is an advantage during the postpartum period. It’s a time for you, for your baby, and for the adjustment process between the two of you.

What is maternity leave?

Maternity leave is a subsidy granted by the body responsible for social security in the country of women who give birth. It is a condition of the legislation of each State under which the work is divided between 2 parties. The company and the worker are in a contractual relationship.

A mother who took her maternity leave

This brief suspension of the employment contract can take effect before the birth, if you wish.

In terms of the limit, mothers can request maternity leave until the day the baby is born. Maternity leave gives 16 weeks of uninterrupted rest, including at least 6 weeks after childbirth.

What happens when it is a risky pregnancy?

There are certain risky situations in which it is necessary for maternity leave to be taken earlier than expected. Otherwise, you may be temporarily unable to practice your profession even after the end of your rest period.

In case of activation of this condition due to a common disease, after the baby is born, the period of rest provided by law will begin.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time that requires care,  so don’t let labor exceed your limits. Once pregnant, your body will begin to experience hormonal changes. For many, the desire to work disappears.

The benefits of maternity leave

Psychological aspects

Each woman takes on the role of mother differently. It is essential that you understand that having a baby is a complex process for both of you. The child needs all the care it can get, and you need time for yourself and your recovery. You are likely to receive countless tips from your aunts, grandmothers, and cousins ​​about the first stage of a newborn baby’s life. Don’t get back to work too soon; your professional life can wait.

Maternity leave is essential for the peace of the mother. This allows him to spend at least 6 weeks with his baby and keep all of your attention on him without worrying about your job. You must respect this period and try to split it between taking care of your baby and getting back to your rhythm of life.

How to take advantage of the time given by maternity leave?

The birth of your baby is a happy event for your family and friends. However, during this maternity leave, you should make the most of it and with as few distractions as possible. While everyone wants to meet the baby, you should talk to your family and friends to ask them to respect your space and privacy during this time. Explain to them that your adjustment process with your baby is very intimate.

Don’t worry about your physical appearance. Don’t feel overwhelmed if you don’t feel the courage to look flawless. Be patient with your body and its return to normal. You will have time to recover your forms. You may think that if you correct your appearance, you will feel better, but it must be your decision.


Maternity leave is a benefit of the law that reminds companies of the value of their employees. At the time of giving birth, a process of adjusting to entirely new responsibilities begins. This process should never be interrupted by an activity that has nothing to do with your little one.

Don’t go back to work too soon, it pays to have your peace of mind getting to know your baby. Take advantage of this step with calm and respect.

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