Lemon Balm: A Plant With Many Benefits

Lemon balm is a little known medicinal plant but whose health benefits make it an essential ingredient in your cabinet of natural remedies.

Nature offers us remedies for almost all health problems. Lemon balm is one of those plants which has properties capable of bringing multiple benefits to the human body. Discover in this article the benefits of lemon balm.

Its use in natural medicine dates back many, many years. Indeed, it is used to treat insomnia, calm the nerves and stimulate digestion.

What is lemon balm? lemon balm

Lemon balm or lemon balm ( Melissa officionalis) is an aromatic and medicinal plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It can grow up to a meter tall and its flowers are small and white.

Its aroma is penetrating and recalls the smell of mint or orange. This is because it is a citrus fruit and it has refreshing characteristics, as well as a refreshing taste.

It has analgesic and relaxing properties. This is why it has been used since antiquity as an infusion for the treatment of nervous, digestive or sleep disorders.

What are the properties of lemon balm?

Lemon balm contains ursolic acid and its buds contain citronellic acid. This plant also contains essential oils such as citral, thymol, lemongrass and limonene, which give it its particular aromas.

It also contains flavonoids (camphorol, tannins, quercetin, luteolin and catechins). As well as beta-sitosterol and polyphenols such as oleonolic, caffeic, chlorogenic and succinic acids.

What are the benefits of consuming lemon balm?

Lemon balm is a medicinal plant whose consumption provides various benefits for human health. Among these we find:

It calms the nerveslemon balm

It is perfect for treating anxiety or stress. Evils that attack more and more people in everyday life.

Ideally, lemon balm infusions should be prepared in combination with other herbs like chamomile. Because they work together as tranquilizers that relax the muscles and the mind.

It relieves muscle pain

Lemon balm is antispasmodic. It can be used as a muscle tonic, as it relieves discomfort caused by excessive training.

To use it in this way, it is recommended to prepare an infusion with the plant and add it to the bath water.

It helps to fall asleep

Among the outstanding properties of lemon balm, we find its sedative action, ideal for those who suffer from insomnia. If combined with other herbs like chamomile, its effectiveness is increased.

It lowers body temperature

Because it promotes sweating, we recommend that you take it as an infusion when you have the flu, a cold or a fever.

Sweating helps relieve symptoms and lower body temperature.

It helps to digest

In case of bad digestion, among the many ways to facilitate it that exist, we can also take lemon balm.

Thanks to its properties, you can also relieve symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and feelings of heaviness that bothers you.

How to consume lemon balm? lemon balm

1. In infusion

This is the most common and easiest way to prepare it.


  • 1 teaspoon of lemon balm (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Add a teaspoon of lemon balm to a cup of hot water and let sit for 10 minutes before straining and drinking.

2. Lemon balm water

It is also used as a natural tonic to relieve menstrual pain, muscle pain or migraines.

  • It is also used as a healing agent for small wounds with insect bites, sores or herpes infections. To do this, apply compresses from the freshly cut plant to the affected area.
  • Hot compresses are also a very useful traditional remedy for reducing inflammation of the mammary glands.

3. In dyeing

The tincture consists of macerating the plant in alcohol. It is applied in drops, usually between 40 and 50 per day. You can also dissolve the drops in orange juice or water.

This allows the plant to have a more immediate effect when it enters the body, especially when taken to resolve stomach or digestive issues.

4. Liquid extract

This extract is readily available in herbalists. It is recommended to take 30 to 50 drops per day.

In this case, it can also be consumed in water or fruit juices, as well as on its own.

When not to take lemon balm?

Although lemon balm may be called a miracle plant, there are some cases where its use is not recommended to avoid health complications.

  • People with hypothyroidism should avoid taking this herb, as in many cases lemon balm has caused adverse effects on the thyroid.
  • If you are allergic to its components, this herb can cause gastroenteritis, abdominal pain, vomiting or nausea. Lemon balm is a plant with wonderful properties, but one should be well aware of all its effects.

As you can see, this is a beneficial herb that is easy to acquire and has a wide range of medicinal properties.

In addition, you can take it regularly and by a variety of methods. so you can choose the one that suits you best.

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