Ideal Foods To Regulate The Thyroid

So that the thyroid is not out of balance, it is very important that we eat five small meals a day, and that we do not snack. We also need to consume foods rich in fiber and exercise.

In this article, we’re going to tell you about a gland located in the neck called the thyroid. It is important to know techniques to regulate the thyroid.

This gland regulates various functions of the body, and is also involved in the production of the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which regulate metabolism and help other systems in our body work.

When the thyroid is functioning optimally, it is not necessary to adopt a specific diet.

But, during certain periods of life, this gland can suffer from disorders. This results in higher (hyperthyroidism) or lower (hypothyroidism) hormone production than normal.

We can notice, in most cases, that an iodine deficiency is the direct cause of the disorders which affect the thyroid gland. Scientists around the world are fighting against deficits of this mineral in various world diets.

When these disorders occur, it is important to adopt a diet in accordance with what the body needs, with what it wants.

In this article, we will present you with a series of recommendations, whatever your case, to regulate the thyroid.

Dietary recommendations related to hyperthyroidism

As we told you before, hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland is over stimulated, and it produces more thyroid hormones than our body needs.

When this excess occurs, it can cause our body to go into a state of catabolism, leading to loss of weight and muscle mass. In this case, it is recommended to adopt a very balanced diet, with a high energy content.

Medicines to regulate the thyroid.

Dairy products (yogurt, cheese and milk)

  • Use yogurt or milk as a liquid ingredient in all your cooking (if possible).
  • Enrich your yogurt with condensed milk, and your milk with whole milk powder. This milk can be used to prepare smoothies, desserts, soups, purees or to eat breakfast cereals.
  • Put chunky cheese in your salads.

Proteins (fish, meat, egg)

  • Cut a hard-boiled egg and add it to salads, soups or even vegetables. Do the same with meat and fish.
  • Use a beaten egg by adding it to your purees, soups, sauces or milk smoothies.
  • Fill your omelets, or other foods, with ground meat or fish in pieces.

Sugar, bread, honey and cakes

  • Eat cakes and bread for breakfast, and set up snacks in the middle of the morning, and afternoon tea.
  • Add bread croutons to your soups and purees.

The dried fruit

  • Crush them and add them as complements to your sauces, stews and salads.

Dietary recommendations related to hypothyroidism

We will now see the other side of thyroid disorders: hypothyroidism. This pathology occurs when the production of thyroid hormone decreases.

Hypothyroidism often presents with fairly clear symptoms, such as severe fatigue, hair loss, drowsiness, and although it may not be directly related to the disorder, weight gain.

This case is a little more complex and must be checked by an endocrinologist. However, a balanced and varied diet can significantly improve this condition.

Speaking of a varied diet, we mean above all that we must eat each day a representative of all the food groups that exist: dairy products, raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, protein foods, cereals and starches.

Avoid foods high in fat, sugar, and calories to regulate the thyroid

  • Cold cuts and meats high in fat
  • Margarine, butter and lard
  • All sugars, both white and brown. Caramels derived from these sugars also.
  • Very sweet alcoholic drinks and sodas.


  • Eat 4 to 5 meals a day, not abundant, and especially avoid snacking. Also, avoid skipping any of the main meals.
  • Increase your daily physical activity. Walk, do all your long journeys on foot, and don’t take the elevator or electric stairs.
  • Favor foods rich in fiber such as lean meat, semi-skimmed milk, raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, among others.

General care to regulate the thyroid

There are certain foods that help the thyroid to work well overall. This includes cold water fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, cod, among others.

Fruits and vegetables that are bright in color can also help stimulate the thyroid, and relieve pressure from it. It is recommended to use condiments containing iodine such as seaweed powder, instead of salt, to regulate the thyroid.

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