Hyperthyroidism: 5 Keys To A Healthy And Complete Breakfast

To improve the problems of hyperthyroidism nothing like starting the day with a good intake of iodine thanks to the different natural sources, such as blueberries or oats.

Living with hyperthyroidism is not easy. Despite being a disease that responds well to adequate medical treatment, patients know very well: the need to change eating habits.

Any alteration in our thyroid glands causes a series of changes in our body that will force us to establish new routines, and of course, to eat healthier.

In the case of hyperthyroidism, what happens is that there is a deficiency of the thyroid hormone. This phenomenon gradually causes organic activity which affects and changes metabolic, neuronal, cardio-circulatory and digestive functions.

We gain weight, the hair is losing its strength, we feel tired, our internal temperature varies… These are changes that often have a significant impact for many people.

However, as we indicate, the medical treatments are effective and the patients can again stabilize the activity of their thyroid gland.

However, while we are on this pharmacological treatment… What feeding strategies should we be following? In this article, we offer you 5 tips for your breakfast.

1. Yes to natural drinks to treat hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism: natural drinks for breakfast

A first aspect that nutritionists tell us about hyperthyroidism is to follow a balanced diet.

That is to say, we know, for example, that increasing our doses of iodine, will regulate our thyroid gland when it is functioning at a low level.

However, it is not a question of consuming exclusively foods that contain this mineral. We must not commit excess or go to extremes.

  • One thing to remember is that coffee, just like tea or soy, is not very good for hyperthyroidism. Even if that’s no reason to exclude them from our diet for good.

We can take them occasionally, but not several times a day.

  • We also realize that starting the day without a good cup of coffee can be traumatic. However, it doesn’t matter if you only take it three times a week.

On the other hand, we must be careful that our diet is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.

So, don’t forget the natural drinks that you will need to include in your breakfasts.

  • Natural carrot juice
  • Natural apple juice
  • Cucumber, lemon and spirulina smoothie

2. Garlic

Garlic is very suitable for regulating our thyroid and treating hyperthyroidism. It helps us because it is rich in iodine and selenium, two essential minerals in this type of disease.

This will speed up the metabolism and improve many essential processes.

We recommend that you consume it in the following way:

  • Spread two cloves of garlic on a toast of integral bread.
  • You can also prepare a tasty omelet with garlic, because eggs are also very advisable in case of hyperthyroidism.

3. Oatmeal

Hyperthyroidism: oatmeal for breakfast

You can eat oats with an apple, kiwi fruit, strawberries, or peaches.

  • Its digestive action will allow us, on the one hand, to reduce intestinal transit, a common problem in hyperthyroidism.
  • On the other hand, its iodine content will help us to control metabolic functions as well as hormones.
  • Let us not forget either that oats improve our animal state, regulate bad cholesterol or LDL and are very satiating.

4. Whole grains with nuts

Whole grains provide us with nutrients, fibers and minerals that are very beneficial to fight hyperthyroidism.

  •  In addition, they allow us to regulate the level of sugar in the blood and to control appetite.
  • Whole grains are essential to increase our iodine levels. If, in addition, we add nuts and a little fruit to our cup, we will have a full and tasty breakfast.

5. Natural organic yogurt

Hyperthyroidism: yogurt for breakfast

If you have no lactose intolerance, natural yogurt is a sensational choice for your breakfasts, because it is a natural probiotic that is very high in iodine.

Find one made organically. However, if you know how to make it yourself, it will be much better.

6. Blueberries

Did you know ? Blueberries are nature’s treasures rich in antioxidants which, in addition, contain a very powerful source of iodine.

  • Try to consume them in season. If you combine them with natural yogurt or with a good cup of oats you will have another amazing breakfast option.

Finally, one way to start the day well is to take care of our tiroid gland during breakfast. The options we suggest will be of great benefit to you in the event of hyperthyroidism.

Despite this , be aware that physical activity also increases metabolic activity.

So, if you have time, after a good breakfast, there is nothing better than going out for a walk or practicing yoga . Certain positions activate the thyroid, compressing, softening and stimulating the area where the gland is located.

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