How To Treat Joint Pain With Lemon Zest?

Lemon is an essential fruit in our diet, not only for its versatility and delicious taste, but also for all the benefits it brings to our health.

Lemon peel contains a large amount of nutrients that can improve our health and help us fight joint pain. 

The high content of vitamin C, together with large amounts of antioxidants and nutrients, make lemons excellent remedies for preventing diseases and health problems like

  • Influenza,
  • Cold,
  • Laryngitis,
  • Bacterial infections,
  • Arterial hypertension,
  • Digestive or skin problems.

In addition, recent studies have shown that lemon also has anti-carcinogenic properties. 

Lemon has many virtues in vitamins C, A, B1 and B6, magnesium, bio-flavonoids, pectin, folic acid, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.

It also has other nutrients that boost the immune system, protect the liver and stomach, and take care of the skin while preventing premature aging caused by free radicals.

Why is lemon zest good for joint pain?

You should know that almost half of the nutrients in lemon are concentrated in its zest. However, because of its bitter taste and out of habit, we tend to throw out the zest and use only the juice of this citrus fruit.

Important nutrients are concentrated in the lemon zest, such as lemon essential oil, lemongrass and phellandrene.

These are added to other substances like vitamin C, citric acid, malic acid, formic acid, hesperidin or pectin, among others.

Lemon peel also has a strong antiseptic power and a powerful action that helps fight fever.

Indeed, the volatile essential oils scented with lemon peel reduce pain in the joints. Because they help to relax the blood vessels and produce an anti-inflammatory effect which significantly reduces pain.

How to cure pain in the joints with lemon peel?

After you have discovered all the virtues of lemon zest, you will not be able to throw it in the trash the next time you use this citrus fruit.

If you want to enjoy all the benefits of lemon zest for relieving joint pain, take note of the following natural remedy:


  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 large organic lemons
  • Eucalyptus leaves
  • A small pitcher with a lid
  • Clean bandages

How to prepare it?

  • In the pitcher or container with a lid, put the lemon zest and pour a generous amount of olive oil over it, until they are completely covered.
    Then add the eucalyptus leaves, close the container tightly and reserve the mixture for 2 weeks.
  • Once this period of time has elapsed, soak a clean gauze in this mixture and apply it to the painful area. Then put a sack on the gauze and a woolen scarf over it.
  • The ideal is to apply this remedy in the evening, so that the lemon zest ointment works through the night.

Lemon zest infusion

Why is lemon zest infusion good for joint pain

To relieve pain in the joints, it is also advisable to prepare an infusion of lemon zest, to take full advantage of all its benefits and obtain better results. 


  • 1 liter of water
  • Zest of 2 lemons and their juice
  • Honey (optional).

How to prepare it?

Pour the liter of water into a saucepan and add the lemon zest to it. Let it boil for 15 minutes, remove from the heat and add the lemon juice to it, then sweeten with honey.

The benefits of lemon zest infusion

  • Relieves pain in the joints of the legs and arms. 
  • Decreases intestinal gas and inflammation.
  • Natural detoxifier.
  • Helps to alkalize the blood.
  • Strengthens the immune system and prevents disease.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Improves the health of the skin because it helps to remove excess fat and spots.
  • Fights bad breath.
  • Relaxing drink.
  • Helps relieve tension and headaches. 

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