How To Stop Excessive Sweating?

Sage is a herb recommended to reduce sweating. We can apply it directly or consume it as an infusion to benefit from all its properties.

Excessive sweating is very common today. Many people suffer from it despite the existence of many products that can help control this problem. In reality, very few manage to give satisfactory results …

So we can learn together some natural remedies that will help us effectively eliminate this unpleasant problem!

Face scrub or baby powder

The facial scrub can be very helpful, especially if you use it on areas of the body that sweat the most! Indeed, the exfoliant uncovers the pores: the skin therefore breathes more freely. Sweating gradually decreases, until it disappears completely!

Baby powder is also a good solution! Indeed, it helps to absorb moisture. Moreover, it can be used anywhere on the body , since it is a very gentle product. If you don’t have talc, you can easily replace it with corn starch. The results obtained will be identical.

Fruits and vegetables against excessive sweatingexcessive sweating

There is a natural antiperspirant that can help you effectively. It is turnip, this plant that reduces the activity of the sweat glands.

The best way to make turnip juice is to have an extractor. Alternatively, you can rap a turnip and then put it in a cloth. Then squeeze until all the juice is out. Then you spread this juice on the areas of your body that usually sweat. You will see, the perspiration will disappear drastically!

Another good option is lemon juice. It is applied directly to the areas which sweat most often and in greater quantities. The acids in lemon are very effective in putting an end to bad body odor.

We can also use sage to eradicate this problem of excessive sweating!  Just use the same preparation as for the turnip.

We can also drink this plant as an infusion. Just put two sage leaves in a cup of boiling water. Then let it rest and you can drink a cup a day. You will see that thanks to this remedy, the sweating will decrease.

Tips to prevent sweating

If you have used the previous products but did not get the desired results, it is best to consult your doctor. This is because it could be a serious health problem or even be the side effect of a medicine you are taking.

You can take the opportunity to ask your doctor to recommend an antiperspirant medical deodorant. These deodorants are more effective if used at night because they help prevent skin irritation.

excessive sweating

You should avoid polyester or nylon clothing if possible. Indeed, the latter increase sweating. It is best to use soft cotton clothes.

As you know, there are many simple and natural ways that can help us avoid excessive sweating. You just have to put them into practice and apply the chosen treatment on a regular basis. This is how you can get the best results!

Photograph courtesy of Marcos GP, boutique ellalabella & subcomandanta.

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