How To Remove Hair Naturally?

Unwanted hair can vary in amount and thickness, depending on the woman, but regardless of that, the majority of women want to remove it.

Today there are different techniques to do away with unwanted hair and have soft and beautiful skin. However, the majority of these techniques are painful and quite expensive.

Fortunately, there are some natural ingredients that make it easier to remove hair without causing skin irritation, and which are very easy to use at home without spending too much money.

Indeed, natural hair removal techniques are very easy to perform, do not require a lot of time and give good results.

Before choosing a technique, know that it is important to be regular in its application, in order to obtain good results.

In this article, we invite you to try these hair removal methods and say goodbye to unwanted hair. 

Baking soda

Remove hair

This treatment to eliminate hair naturally, must be done every night before going to sleep.

How to proceed ?

  • Mix a spoonful of baking soda in a glass of boiling water (200 ml), stir well and let cool.
    Soak a piece of cotton wool or gauze in it and apply it to the areas of hair to be removed.
    The next morning, after removing the bandage, be sure to apply enough moisturizer to prevent dryness in the area.
  • After two or three days of application, you will start to see results.

This hair removal technique has become very popular around the world because it easily removes hair in a matter of minutes.

Sugar and lemon

How to proceed ?

  • In a medium saucepan, put two cups of sugar (440 g) with the lemon juice. If the lemon does not moisten the sugar enough, add a little water.
    Then bring the pan to medium-high heat and stir well with a spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • When the mixture begins to boil, lower the heat until you have a thick, spongy dough.
    The color should be golden, similar to that of honey. Be careful not to burn yourself.
  • When the paste is ready, let it sit, then apply it to clean, dry skin.
    Spread the mixture well, and remove by pulling hard against the direction of hair growth.

White pepper and camphor

This mixture of white pepper and camphor is a solution to remove hair from the legs.

Both of these foods can cause a burning sensation when applied to the skin, but this is completely normal.
In case you have an allergic reaction, you should avoid them at all costs.

How to proceed ?

  • Crush the white pepper well until you get a fine powder. Then mix it in equal doses with crushed camphor and add a little almond oil to it.
  • Form a paste with all the ingredients and then apply it on your legs for 15 minutes. When the time is up, rinse your legs and you will find that the hairs come off on their own.

Chickpea flour to remove hair

Remove hair

Chickpea flour is a natural treatment which is used in India as an ally to prevent and remove unwanted hair on different parts of the body.

This ingredient is usually mixed with turmeric flour and a little milk, to prevent the early appearance of hair in babies and children.

However, it can also be used for hair removal in adults.


  • ½ cup of chickpea flour (65 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric (5 g)
  • ½ bowl of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt

How to proceed ? 

  • Make a homogeneous paste with all the ingredients, then apply it on your face to remove facial fuzz.
  • Leave on for 30 minutes and, once the time is up, start massaging gently with the flour paste, in the opposite direction to the hair growth.
  • If the paste is very dry, dampen your fingers to rub your face without irritating your skin.
  • Finally, rinse your face with lukewarm water and repeat this treatment two or three times a week.

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