How To Relieve An Infant Ear Infection?

Otitis media is a common infection in children 0 to 5 years old. Early detection of symptoms and the application of the right treatment will promote healing within a few days.

Infant ear infection is a common condition in babies and children. About half of babies have at least one ear infection in their first year of life. In addition, it is most often to treat this infection that young children take antibiotics.

As with colds and throat infections, winter is a good time to develop ear infections. It is also important to emphasize that children with allergy or smoking problems in those around them will be more sensitive to it.

What is infant ear infection?

Otitis media is the consequence of bacteria or viruses entering from the oral cavity into the airspace of the middle ear. The abnormal multiplication of microorganisms in the area generates pus as well as distension of the eardrum, which causes pain in children.

On the other hand, otitis is more common with catarrhal process  because the duct is filled with mucus and the conditions are favorable for the excessive growth of viruses and bacteria.

An examination for infant ear infection

Symptoms of infant ear infection

The symptoms depend on the age. In the case of babies, we can suggest irritability, rejection of the bottle for lack of appetite, vomiting, or even a discharge from the outer ear during more advanced infections. The pain increases when sleeping because the pressure of the ear is more important in a horizontal position. There may also be a fever and chills.

It is essential to recognize the symptoms in the early stages of the disease so that the correct treatment can be applied as soon as possible. Healing will be faster and complications will be avoided.

Home remedies for infant ear infection

It is best not to make a diagnosis yourself, but rather to go to a doctor in case of infection. We offer you some additional remedies to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, but in no case do they replace it. In addition, they are indicated only to relieve pain and inflammation.

1. Application of essential oils or herbal infusion

Natural oils and herbal infusions against infant otitis

Some plants, such as mint, oregano, lavender, or chamomile, can have analgesic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effects. The method consists of preparing an infusion, impregnating it with sterile gauze and applying it to the baby’s ear.

In addition, it is possible to apply a few drops of natural oil, such as olive or almond oil, with the aim of soothing the pain and itching in the middle ear.

2. Application of hot compresses

Applying warm compresses to the baby’s outer ear is also an effective method. If you do not have sterile gauze,  use a bag of seeds heated in the microwave  for a few seconds. This will promote circulation in the area and relieve the discomfort of ear infections.

3. Inhalation of eucalyptus vapor

Inhalation can be effective in relieving the pain of otitis media. Then add some eucalyptus or mint leaves in a container with simmering water. Then place a towel over the baby’s head and let him breathe the fumes. Repeat the action two or three times a day. Be careful to control the temperature of the steam to avoid burning the child!

4. Application of food infusions with antibacterial effects

It is possible to make infusions of garlic or onion and then apply a few drops in the baby’s ear. Boil a pot of water and add an onion and a few cloves of garlic. Then filter the resulting liquid to ensure that no solid particles remain. Then proceed to the application.

Finally, we remind you that these remedies with anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve pain in the little ones. On the other hand, it is essential to  always follow the medical recommendations of the pediatrician and to apply the prescribed antibiotics.

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