How To Regenerate Hair, Skin And Nails From The Inside

A healthy and balanced diet is fundamental for our nails, hair and skin to reflect a certain well-being. Their appearance is the first thing that tells us if we are suffering from an internal problem.

We regularly spend a lot of money on beauty products to restore the condition of our hair, skin and nails.

Now there is one thing to take into account: no beauty treatment will be effective if you don’t start from the inside. 

It is necessary to take advantage of an adequate organic balance and without vitamin deficits, so that the hair is strong and shiny, so that our nails do not break and so that the skin is firm and elastic.

We will explain how to achieve this.

Regenerate the skin, a reflection of our state of health

Hair, skin and nails are external attributes that we must take care of in order to maintain a certain youthfulness.

When we have a health problem, the skin is the first to warn us, through the following signals:

  • Dark circles due to fatigue.
  • Pallor due to anemia.
  • Swelling of the face from water retention.
  • Dryness from lack of hydration.
  • Face aged prematurely due to a deficiency in zinc, vitamins C and D, and amino acids.

Would you like to fight against these problems? So, take note of the following tips. 

Nutritional rules to improve the condition of the skin

  • Start your day with lukewarm lemon water juice to purify the body and obtain an appropriate dose of vitamin C.
  • A salad of tomatoes and carrots. A revitalizing treatment rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C and lycopene, able to protect us against ultraviolet radiation. This salad should be eaten at least 4 times a week.
  • Two liters of water per day. Always with small sips throughout the day. In this way, you will facilitate your digestion.
  • A white tea in the afternoon. Did you know that white tea is the richest natural drink in antioxidants?
    Do not hesitate to buy this infusion in a natural store or in a herbalist’s shop.

Hair and hormonal issues

Hair is a complementary structure of the skin characterized by its high keratin content. They follow a natural cycle from birth to fall.

We cannot forget that the hair ages and despite the fact that it is a “dead” structure, we can nourish the hair bulb and the scalp to give them vigor and luminosity.

In most cases, we lose our hair due to hormonal issues.

During pregnancy, for example, due to the high production of estrogen, we have much more beautiful hair.

However, after childbirth, hormonal imbalance may appear and we may suffer from hair loss.

An improper diet and stress are two factors that can also affect their health and beauty.

Take note of what you should do to take care of your hair.

  • Eat plenty of green vegetables.
  • Prepare yourself a beetroot juice with spinach, 3 times a week.
  • Eat white fish like hake, cod or sea bream 4 times a week. They are rich in magnesium, an essential mineral for taking care of our hair.
  • Greek yogurt. It is ideal to include in your breakfast, a Greek yogurt accompanied by nuts and almonds. This combination is rich in calcium, vitamin B and magnesium. And it is very suitable for regenerating the hair.
  • Increase your consumption of white meat, as well as liver. These are foods rich in zinc that will do you a lot of good.
  • Olive oil, basil and sage are essential supplements in your diet.

Nails and their resistance

In the process of improving the beauty of our hair, skin and nails, we tend to neglect our fingernails most often.

When our nails are fragile, we just apply a little polish to them, but it would be best to nourish them from the inside so that their good health is reflected on the outside. 

Take note of the right actions to take to take care of the condition of your nails.

How to regenerate your nails?

  • Eliminate sugar from your diet  and increase your intake of citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges or grapefruit.
  • Eat vegetables cooked at a low temperature, in order to benefit from all their properties.
  • Increase your protein intake. You can find it in white meats, fish or green vegetables.
  • It is important to enhance the action of keratin, a type of basic protein for skin health, to regenerate hair and nails, which gives them strength and firmness.
  • Cynatin HNS is a natural protein that can help us in this case and that we can find in pharmacies or specialized drugstores.
    However, you can also get it in lesser amounts from the following foods:
    • Red meat
    • Eggs
    • The lawyers
    • Asparagus
    • Milk
    • Apples

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